First Deja Vu

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Sitting in class, I was surprised to see Yoongi walk in. I didn't address him because somehow, he gave off the kind of vibe that told me not to talk about our meeting on the weekend. I felt like we weren't that close to begin with so I kept to myself. At the end of the lecture I turned to him and tapped him on the shoulders.

"Yah wake up!"

He slowly opened his eyes as he yawned.

"What?" he asked.

"Why come to class if you're just going to sleep?" I asked.

"Why do you keep on asking when you know?" he asked with a raspy voice.

"Yoongi-ah, I think I know why the girls fall for you now," I said, wanting to tease him.

"I don't particularly care," he replied.

I leaned in closer to his ears.

"It's your raspy sleepy voice," I whispered. "It's quite hot."

He gave me an empty blank stare and just nodded his head.

"Aish you're no fun! At least blush or something," I said as I moved back. "At least answer my first question."

He blinked.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

I nodded. He motioned with his finger for me to move in closer. As I leaned in closer, he did too. He touched the side of my ear with his cupped hands and whispered.

"It's because you're cute."

My face started heating up from the bottom up as I felt my ears turn red.

"Now that's how you do it," he said smiling as he pinned both his arms above his head to relax.

My heart was pounding so much that I didn't even argue back.

"Y-yah...I-I'm gonna go get some water," I said as I stood up and strutted out the door.

I don't know what it was but it made my heart race. Was it his deep voice, his hot breath, or his unexpectedly sweet words?

I walked back into the classroom to see Yoongi up. He was writing down notes, music notes on a staff paper to be exact.

"Pretty. You should hold that note out a little longer," I said while standing leaning in from behind him. "You should also add a softer tone in the background during this part."

As I pointed my finger to the exact part I was mentioning, he scrunched his eyebrows and looked up at me.

"Mind your own business."

You moved back and sat down.

"Sure but I'm just saying it would sound prettier," I said.

He looked like he was actually thinking about it but closed his music book.


We were separated into groups for our physical education class as the boys played on the field next to ours. Since I didn't feel like running, I volunteered to play goalie. It does help that I had the most practice being goalie growing up. I stood there in a ready position when Yoongi came next to me and leaned against the pole of the soccer net with his arms crossed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Frankly basketball is more fun," he said.

It was oddly familiar.

"You play basketball?" I asked.

"I never brag but I'm the best," he replied.

"Aish too overly confident," I said shaking my head.

Everything, every word it had happened before.

"Y/N watch out!" someone shouted.

Just then the soccer ball came flying towards me. As it hit my face, I fell backwards.

"Oh my god Y/N! I'm so sorry!" Jimin said as he ran to my side.

"Ah I'm ok. It's just a bump," I said while holding my head.

Yoongi helped me up as I held onto his arm. I glanced up at him and bit the inside of my cheeks.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked.

"Oh my god she is not ok! We have to take her to the nurse!" Jimin panicked.

I stared into Yoongi's eyes as he stared back.

"I'll take her," he said to Jimin.

Since I was perfectly fine, I walked side by side with him to the building.

"It's..deja vu isn't it? Was it just me?" I asked.

He didn't answer me.

"Yoongi-ah do I know you? Or better yet, do you recall the name Suga?" I asked.

He looked down at me.

"I'm not that guy you cried about the other day if that's what you're asking."

I looked down at my shoes.

"Ah of course not. You can't be."

I was thinking to myself about how similar the scene was but even so, Suga was never as quiet and rude as Yoongi so it couldn't be.

"Let's just call it a fluke then," I ask as I turned back around.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I remember Jimin from elementary. I can't believe it just clicked but I have to mention it to him at least," I said.

Yoongi grabbed my arm and flung me into his chest.

"That idiot never learned to be careful at all. Don't go to him or he'll just hurt you again."

I could hear his heart beating fast. The heat from his body was against my own.

" did you know he did it before?" I asked.

"You said it yourself. That he did it in elementary."

I squinted my eyes at him. He was acting strange, too strange.

"Why are you two hugging instead of going to the nurse's office?" asked Jimin as he snuck up behind us.

I realized I was still against his chest and pulled away in embarrassment.

"Ahh so that's how it is. Good luck hyung!" he shouted as he ran away.

"I-it's not like that," Yoongi stuttered.

"Um yeah um I'm gonna um go to the nurse."

I quickly walked off as fast as I could. 

Why was my heart beating this fast?!

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