First and Forever

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"I disapprove!"

I placed my bag on the table and looked at him.

"But dad you and mom were the ones calling him your son-in-law," I said blankly.

He cleared his throat and looked away from us.

"I..I just didn't expect it to be this soon," he said.

My mom laughed.

"They're done with high school in three weeks. If anything, they'll be engaged for now. The marriage isn't going to happen right away. Right Y/N?" she asked.

I nodded.

"We talked about it but I guess we'll just have wait until dad is okay with it," I said purposely messing with him.

He sighed and glared at Yoongi.

"And this is why that uncle said to involve my parents in your decisions," I whispered into his ears.

"I thought they liked me because they kept calling me their son-in-law already," he whispered back.

"That's just a name. It wasn't real yet," I whispered.

"Not only do you announce an unplanned marriage but you both have the nerve to whisper about us right in our home?" my dad said, still feeling upset.

I smacked my mouth shut.

"Honey we knew it was going to happen someday," my mom said as she held onto his arms.

"But not this soon!"

Yoongi and I exchanged glances. I slowly walked in front of my dad who was now sitting on the couch.

"Then I'll just return the ring and wait longer. I guess maybe I was wrong when I said yes so happily. I just thought if he's the one then agreeing won't be so bad. I mean I just wanted a happy ending like you and mom but-"

"Fine!" he shouted.

I knew his heart. It was too easy because he hated making me feel like I was wrong. Guilt tripping, that's what it's called. I remained my composure so he wouldn't take it back.

"But the rules still apply," he said to Yoongi.

"Of course," he replied with a bow.

"Aish what a chaotic life I'm living," he said as he resigned into the back of the couch.

After talking out the details, we ate dinner together. After helping out with the dishes, I walked him out.

"See you tomorrow," I said as I waved.

"Mmmm see you tomorrow," he said as he waved back.

"Walk home safe," I added.

"Mmm I will now go back inside," he said.

As I was about to head back in, I felt strong hands turn me around. His lips pressed against my forehead.

"Good night," he said as his lips departed from my head.

He turned back to go but I grabbed his arm and stopped him. I placed a kiss on his warm cheek before he went.

"It's only fair to get a good night kiss from me too," I said as I then pushed him off. "Now hurry home before it gets too dark!"

He flashed me his gummy smile and started dashing off.

"I love you!" he shouted when he got to the top of the hill.

"I love you too silly!"

My mom came from behind me and hit me in the head with her knuckles.

"You two can stop being loud now. Our neighbors are probably dying from hearing such cringe worthy words," she teased.

She waved to Yoongi as he bowed and then pulled me inside. As I laid on my bed that night, I stared up at the ring on my finger. He was my first and now he'll be my forever. I guess some things do last and some miracles so exist. 

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