Chapter 4

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-Your P.O.V-
After breakfast you get back to Becky's house for tea. She sits everyone down and gets down cups, "Thank you so much Becky" you smile. She gives you a shining smile before continuing to heat up the water.
"Uh, Y/N?" Adrian says.
"Hm?" You turn around.
"Can you- can you help me upstairs for a moment?" Shear pain is in his eyes.
"Yeah, okay."
He guides you upstairs into his room, "What's up dude?"
He starts to tear, "I hate law!" He yells.
"I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!" He repeats.
"Woah, woah Adrian." You begin to shush him, "Calm down. You're starting to sound like Dan." You joke, only to realize it is only making him more upset.
He starts to sob, "I'm nothing like him Y/N!" He yells before looking down, "I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to yell."
"It's okay Adrian. Now tell me, what's up? Why do you hate law?"
"It's awful! I can't stand to see the cruelty of the world. It sucks. People suck."
"True." You agree, "Look, if you don't want to do law, don't do it. There is something out there for you, I promise."
"Bu- but da-" he stops himself.
"What?" You lean your head forward.
"My- my dad."
"What?" You say. For some reason you never heard of Dan's dad. It never even crossed your mind that Dan even had a dad. It's always been Dan, Adrian, and Mrs. Howell.
"My dad ran out on us early in life. Before you and Dan even became friends for that matter. Mum said it wasn't about us, that they just needed a break. Dad brought in a lot of the money, so when he left mum, she didn't have a lot. Dan and I were split up for a while, him being with mum and me being with my grandmother. The man couldn't even try to be proud of us. Nothing I did could please him, so I figured if I actually carry on what he did, being a lawyer, he would finally be proud of me. He sends letters through the mail and they arrive on the first every month. I don't know where he lives and I can't go see him because there isn't a return address."
"Adrain, I'm so sorry."
"Yeah well, what can I do?"
"Adrian, live out your dreams." You touch his arm, "No one can stop you from living out your dreams except you. What do you want to do?"
"I want to be a music agent."
You look around his room to see band posters on every spot of the wall, "Oh really?" You smile.
"Yeah," he chuckles, "I love music, it really clears my head of the bad stuff when I don't have anyone to talk to."
"You have so many people to talk to Adrian."
He sarcastically laughs, "Like who? The phandom? That's my so many people. That gets on my nerves too."
"I understand." You say, "I've been attacked too. Trust me. There was this one time a girl tweeted me saying @yourtwittername are you and Dan dating? Probably not, Dan has a type: Phil. If you don't realize that your an idiot."
"Yeah, people tweet me all the time with 'omg tell Dan I say hi' or 'your brother is so amazing, maybe you should pick up a thing or two from him'. That one hurt."
"Yeah, but you know what I figured out?"
"Out of seven and a half million subscribers, about 5% of his audience is like that. The number goes down all the time because of the actual good fans who stick up for you. Trust me, I've been on Tumblr. People get shut down."
"So it's not all of them?" He asks.
"No, not even close."
"It definitely feels like all of them."
You grab his hands, "Adrian, you are one of my favorite people in the whole world. You are no better than Dan, and Dan is no better than you. Everyone is equal. Remember that. Follow your dreams and all that shit, okay?"
He laughs, "Okay Y/N. Thank you so much. I couldn't ask for a better sister." And just then, he hugs you. A deep and serene hug that couldn't be more meaningful.
Sister. That's what he considers you. A sister.
"I love you Adrian." You can feel tears start coming down his face again.
"I love you too Y/N"

Hey guys. Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone here will get flowers and candy and all that shiz OR just read more x readers and have have at least a little romance today.
Trust me when I say I am the second one.

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