Chapter 5: The boy from the wood's Flashback

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|~Jack's P.O.V~|

Ever since me and Mark finished dancing with Y/n we stayed a little while longer on the dance floor. The grumps, Ken, Cry, Tyler, Ethan and Felix began to have a dance off again, me and Mark dueled and Mark won, it was pretty fun, until. "Uhhh... Mark, where's Y/n?" I asked Mark, he shrugged. I grew a little bit nervous so we began to look for her.

|~Mark's P.O.V~|

We behan to look for her but I grew more worried the longer it took to find her 'Oh come on, where could she be!? She was here just a minute ago! I-i can't be away from her. I need her!' I grew more worried, until I felt a huge wave of relief as I saw my precious angel sitting at a table, when I walked to her. I kneeled down and poked her shoulder, "Y/n, are you alright?" She didnt respond, she just sat there laying her head on the table.

"Y/n?" I said her name again, this time she moved her head. When she moved I noticed she was asleep, I chuckled. Just then, "Mark did you find-... Y/N!" Jack walked up behind me, "Yeah, she's asleep though, wanna head home?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I'm gonna go thank the others, you get Y/n in the car" I hated giving Y/n to Jack, dont get me wrong. Jack is a loyal friend but... Y/n really changed my life in an extraordinary way, I just got her back and I don't want to loose her to Jack.

He nodded and picked up Y/n bridal style, I quietly hissed. He made his way to the parking lot while I went to saw my good byes to everyone.

|~Jack's P.O.V~|

As I carried Y/n in my arms I looked at her sleeping figure, she seemed so peaceful. I smiled as she shifted in her sleep, she wrapped her arms around me neck and snuggled against my chest making my cheeks heat up. When I made it to the car, I opened the door and placed Y/n in the backseat.

Before I closed the door I saw her body shiver, she must be cold. I took off my blue tux jacket and placed it on her sleeping figure. But when I did she got grabbed the jacket and snuggled with it, I chuckled. She's just too cute, I closed the door and sat in n the passengers seat waiting for Mark to come.

I looked threw the rearview mirror and saw Y/n still snuggling with the jacket, this kinda reminds when we were kids. I really changed the day I met Y/n, back then. For a little 'incident' that happened in my school, kids thought I was a freak... A monster...

I was so alone, kids were scared to come near me but that all changed when Y/n came, no matter how odd or different I seemed she still stuck with me no matter what. I still remember those words she had said to me the day we met...


I was going on my normal strolls threw the woods, I always loved nature, it was just so peaceful and quite, there was no one around to call me a freak or a weirdo. There was this tree behind my house where I would sit under it and just relax sometimes when I couldn't sleep, I would sneak out the window and star gaze, naming each constellation.

One day I had over heard my ma' saying that we were gonna have new neighbors. I didn't like the idea of having neighbors, our last one was a hunter so not only was he scary but he was a hunter, that means I couldn't go to the woods! He had placed so many bear traps every where, I once got my foot stuck in one of them and the man was forced to move.

I was so shocked at the new that I ran out of the house, ignoring my ma'as she called out my name. 'I don't want to have neighbors, if they see me they'll think I'm a freak! Hours had past since I had left home, I grew tired of running so I began to slow down.

*Sigh* I know I can't do anything about the neighbors... So I might as well just, pretend I'm not there and they won't notice me... Yeah that's what I'll do, I began making my way home as I stated at the clouds, its gonna be night time soon but I think I'll be home before sun down.

But when I stepped out of the woods... I saw... A girl, she seemed to be around my age, her scent is different, she's new. When she smiled and walked over to me I backed up, worried that another 'incident' might happened.

"H-Hi... W-who are you?" She asked, she kept her distance but I was still not sure what to say. "W-why are you alone?" She seemed... Concerned about me... Why? "C-can you speak?" I wasn't gonna get anywhere by not saying anything so I just nodded.

"O-okay... Well I'm Y/n" she gave me a shy smile, I don't what is it about her voice... is so full of concerned. I looked back at the woods and back at Y/n, "M-my names Sean" I stuttered a bit, she giggled and said "Thats a nice name" I was a bit shocked and confused, its really odd to hear someone complement me but it felt... Nice

"Thanks" "Umm... W-woukd you like to play with me? B-but you don't have to If you don't want to!" She seemed really nervous... I walked towards her and asked "R-really? You wanna play with me?" I was a bit unsure if I should... I mean what If I... I... What caught me off guard was when she nodded, she seemed so determined to not leave me alone.

I chuckled, she grabbed my hand and ran across the field of grass, it was really... Fun! Until I felt time slow down, I looked at Y/n and she tripped over a rock, but before she could fall I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist. Time returned to its normal time I looked at Y/n and her face flushed pure red but mine did as well.


One day we were sitting by the tree, starring at the sky, it was so calm, so relaxing, with Y/n by my side I felt like the happiest person in the world. She rested her head on my shoulder, we stayed like that a while talking until...

"Sean, I don't care if they call me names or pick on me as well cause, I was kinda teg same in my old school, nobody really liked me so I didnt have that many friends but now that I have you, I don't want to loose the only friend I have... I promise you, I will never leave you alone, will always stick together no matter what! No matter where we are you'll always be my best friend"

|~End of Flashback~|

I felt something warm stream down my cheek, when I raised my hand to touch it, it was a tear. I wiped away my tears and looked back at Y/n, she was still asleep and still snuggling with my jacket. I looked back and still no Mark, I leaned in closer to Y/n and kissed her cheek. I caressed her cheek, she really change my life in such an extraordinary way... I know some people may think I'm over reacting but it's true.

"Y/n... Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and give them a genuine smile, but when you would truly made me smile for no reason" I chuckled at my own cheesy line, I kissed her forehead and laid back in my seat, my eyes started to slowly close, I slowly drifted asleep with a smile plastered on my face.

"T-Thank you Y/n..."

(1380 words)

Do you Promise? ( Vampire!Markiplier X reader X Werewolf!Jacksepticeye)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon