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Leo's POV

I look at Jona and wonder how I could've gotten so lucky.

" Leo..... Leo, LEO. LEO. LEO. LLLEEEEOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! " Someone screamed in my ear. I jumped five feet high almost reaching the ceiling of the Aphrodite Cabin.

" Who did that!???!! " I demanded. Nobody answered. I sighed. " Fine. Piper, get me something to wear. "

" Me too. " Annabeth spoke.

Piper went over to a very huge closet. She pulled out an orange v-neck, some black pants, a gray tank top, a light pink sweater and a pair of white leggings. She handed the boy stuff to me and the girl stuff to Annabeth. " Now go try those on. "

So we walked over to the fitting rooms and tried the clothes on. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought that Piper's Aphrodite side must be showing. I looked nice.

I exited the room along with Annabeth and she looked nice, too. I noticed that Jason, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Clarisse, Lou Ellen, Thalia, and Nico were there and Piper was wearing something new.

I stood next to Jona holding her hand.

" Ready to go? " Nico asked.

" Weapons there? " Jona asked. I noticed that she was wearing her bracelet, necklace and ring again. She always wears that........

" I have my sword. " Clarisse spoke.

" Shadow travel and Stygian sword. " Nico said.

" Katoptris at the ready. " Piper said.

Everybody else nodded and said yeses and yeahs.

" Then let's go. " Said Annabeth.

We all exited the almost-everything-is-pink cabin.

" Hey Chiron, we're leaving. " Jona said to the centaur.

" Alright. Be safe. Argus will drive you. " He replied.

And we were off. We raced to Half -blood Hill and after Nico called Shotgun which meant he got to sit in front. So it was like this:

Argus Nico

Clarisse Thalia Annabeth

Piper Jason Reyna

Frank Hazel Lou Ellen

Me Jona

The ride only took about fifteen minutes, but everybody's ADHD  made it seem like a year.

" Here we are. " Argus stopped in front of the mall and dropped us off.


" People, gather 'round. " I said like Chiron. " Alright, I have six hundred bucks and seventy - two drachma. How much d'ya have? "

People just looked at me like I was a crazy mentally disabled person who grew ten heads and had eyes all over me like Argus.

" What? " I demanded.

" Are you like the Stolls or something? " Thalia asked.

" I...... " I racked my brain for any excuse. " ....... asked you how much money you got. "

Leo grasped my shoulders. " Where did you get the money. " He demanded.

" Iiiiiiii......... " My voice faltered. " Iiiiiiiii........... Know a couple people. But guys, " I snapped my fingers. " C'mon. How much money you got? "

Clarisse finally spoke. " A hundred bucks and five drachma. "

Jason searched his pockets. " Ninety dollars, ten denarii and seven drachma. "

People also searched their pockets and wallets.

" Five hundred dollars and fifty-three drachma. " Said Thalia. " And before you say anything, I'm a hunter. We do things. "

" Alright. " Reyna said. " I have a hundred and fifty bucks and twenty denarii. "

" Hundred ten dollars. " Piper said.

" Two hundred bucks and five drachma. " Annabeth said.

" Fifty dollars. " Leo said.

" Sixty-seven bucks, ten denarii and fifty drachma. " Said Frank.

" Seventy - nine dollars. " Lou said.

" Ninety-seven dollars. " Hazel said.

" A hundred and twenty - five bucks. " Nico was the last.

" Alright. " I spoke doing the math in my head. " According to me...... We have more than 2,000. Correct, Annabeth? "

" Yes. " The daughter of Athena replied. " 2,168 dollars and 232 mythological money. "

" Where to, first? " Nico asked as we walked past an American Eagle shop.

" I know. " I replied.

" What? " Reyna asked.

" Candy Corner! " I answered.

" No, babe. The last time, you ate much candy. " Leo said.

I pouted.

" Then Ambercrombie and Fitch, then. " I said.

" I don't like it there. " Frank stated.

" Why? " Leo asked. " Is it because they don't have your size? " He joked. People stifled laughs, and nobody stood up for him. Not even Hazel. So I just smacked Leo in the arm, hard.

" OW! " Leo said.

And we kept on walking.

" Hey! " Reyna perked up. " Why don't we just watch a movie? "

" Good idea! " Nico said. " What movie? "

" Dunno. " Lou Ellen said.

I got on my iPhone and checked Percy, Connor And Travis's Statuses.

Percy Jackson has updated her status:

Who changed my fb gender?

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I laughed.

" Wassat? " Nico peeked over my shoulder.

" Percy and Stolls. Facebook. " I replied.

They all whipped out their iPhones and checked.

I continued on to the Stolls' statuses.

Travis Stoll has updated her status:

#fakegirl #foreveralone #avoided #stupidhacker #whoisit

Connor Stoll posted something on Travis Stoll's wall.

#dudethisisn'ttwitter #sostopdoingit #notcool

- cOmmEnts -

Travis Stoll: what do you know about cool? As far as I know.......

Connor Stoll: dude how do you do italics!??!?!

I exited the app, opened Flappy Bird and look up to join the people laughing.

" Jona, " Nico started. " How did you do this? You swore on the River Styx that you didn't do it! "

" I didn't. But Hecate Cabin did. " I replied.

" I did the Connor and Reyna thing." Lou Replied. " And Reyna, before you kill me, you gotta admit that it was funny. "

" Maybe a little............. " The Praetor replied.

So sorry so late update like me lol. But seriously, soooooooo sssoorrrrryyyyy such a late update. BAI.

edit: guys argus didn't talk. nico did. and argus can talk, he just chooses not to because he has eyes all over his tongue.

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