wtf?! Japan

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-Nata wake up!
-No...five more minutes said sleepily
-But you are already late for school!
-FUCK!!!You quickly jumped out of bed and rushed in the bathroom.You finished brushing your hair and  teeth in matter of one or two minutes.You really hated being late anywhere.As you got into kitchen to grab a bite of some food your mom started laughing.
-Mom,why are you laughing ?
-I-t's Saturday!your mom could  barely spit it out because she was laughing so hard.
You started laughing along whit her, sometimes,you were so dumb.
-Mom,may I go to Mika's?
-Thanks mom.You smiled happily at her.
You just put on your shoes and went outside.Mika lives 5 minutes away from you so you went there in your pajama.
As you were taking that short walk you were wondering why Mika returned from Japan that quickly?Sure,he is bad student maybe his teacher called to tell him to go back because he failed some exam.He isn't dumb he is actually really smart but he is lazy.Some subjects he just can't get. Ofcourse,you always helped him whit his studies after all,he is still in middle school because he is one year younger than you.What if bullying got worse?!Yeah,he is victim of bullying just like you were in middle school.They are all idiots.They are telling him stuff like:,,You are gay'',,You are an idiot'',,You are crybaby.Then he get mad and he starts to beat them up.That is really pissing him off.He was crying because of those bullies like million times in front of you.That always breaks your heart.You now the feeling,perfectly.You never told him what they were saying to you and how you felt.You want to erase whole middle school experience from your memory.You snapped out of your thoughts when you realised that you are in front of his door.You knocked on door.Soon door opened and you saw tall boy whit dark brown short  hair and honey like orbs.
-Mika!You hugged him tightly.
-Hai,Nat,he said smiling as he hugged you back.You love his smell(yes ya are weirdo xD).He smells like cinnamon.
-I missed you you whispered
-I know you did he said wide grin never leaving his face.Finally,you pulled from hug.You went into his room and plopped on to his bed.He sat on floor in front of you.Mika started biting his lips he's always doing that when he is nervous.You sighted.
-Mika,just spit it out.
-Erm...well...Okay....You know...I came back just so I can pack all of my stuff because,I'm going to be in Japan until I graduate!He quickly said in one breath.
-Mika...THAT IS WONDERFUL! You said happily.
-What?You aren't furious whit me or sad?
-No,I'm happy because you are finally going away from those bullies.I am happy that you are starting again.I am happy because you will make friends.You hugged him tightly.God,how much you loved that boy.He is your little baby(even if he is taller than you)
You two stayed quiet for a couple of minutes until Mika broke the silence and the hug.
-Do you want to go to Japan with me?It will be fun!You don't have any important exams in this week or month right?
-Mika are you insane?!You know that my parents won't let me!
-But they want to let you go to live one year in Russia if you pass that exam.
-But...but...ugh yeah you are right.I wil ask them.
-Ermm Nat,when do you have that test?
-But today is Saturday.
-FUCK!FUCK!NOOO! I didn't even started studying it!Oh I gotta go! You were already at the door,putting your shoes on.
-Nat,we are leaving on Sunday evening  so be ready,ofcourse if your parents let you.
-Okey,okey Mika bay.
-As sones as you walked out of the door you started running.You were running like insane.When you entered your home you screamed:,,Mom,Mika is moving to the  Japan"!
,,Honey,calm down.Sit and tell me everything.
You plopped on to nearest chair and you told her everything.
-So mom may I go with Mika?
-Hmm...Well you can,but what about your test and the whole thing whit Russia?
-Don't worry mom I am gonna pull all nighter and it is going to be alright.I am sure,I will go in Russia and my dream will come true!
,,I love your confidence! ''Your mom said cheerfully.Honestly,you loved your mom she is like your best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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