chapter one

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"Uhh school. Who even invented this hell hole?" I muttered fixing my uniform vest.

I walked into the large building steering clear of all the assholes, and ignoring the judgemental stares since I was still wearing my sunglasses. I grinned when I saw Ty. This is the same guy who I have liked since middle school when he moved here. He was easily the most perfect person in the school in the whole world obviously. Which is why I am going to make him mine. I snapped out of my daze that I didn't know I was in to see him smiling and talking to a girl who was definitely trying to flirt with him by the way her supposed to be school regulation shirt was unbuttoned exposing way too much cleavage. I glared at her through my shades. Ty should not have to deal with a skank like her. There is no way in hell that I am just going to stand here and let this happen ever again. Maybe if I get rid of her he will realize I like him. Or he might think i'm crazy.. and I can not risk that. I'll just make sure he doesn't know it was me for now at least. I waited until Ty and the whore parted ways before I made my move and followed her. Of course when I was close someone just had to get in my way.

"Hey Adam!" I heard someone yell.

Apparently the girl had heard too because she had also turned around. And of course it was Quinten who had decided to yell my name. I cursed under my breath and quickly put on a fake smile.

"Hey Quinten" I said acting how I normally do around him before checking to see if the girl was still there and of course she wasn't

"Great" I muttered sarcastically.

"Hey Adam do you want to hang out after school? My mom and dad are gone so it'll be freaky by myself." He explained

"Sorry can't my mom wants me home early," I lied "try asking Dakota or Ian."

"Oh alright" He said frowning slightly

"I really wish I could though" another lie

"Maybe some other time" He said

"Maybe. I got to go see you around fish"

He groaned and walked off.

"Now to find the chick" I muttered walking off to search the school for her.

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