Chapter 3

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I walked up to the tree and looked at the clock.

"8:40 p.m. okay that should be enough time to find a place to hide until she gets here." I muttered pushing my sunglasses down a little to see better.

There were pros and cons of the sunglasses. But they had to be worn or else someone would start asking questions I wasn't allowed to answer.

I grinned as I saw the girl approach the tree. How stupid could she possibly be. Why the hell would Ty want to be here this late.

"Ty?" She called out looking around.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and slowly started to approach the girl. I got close and then she turned around.

"O-oh Adam what are you doing here?" She asked before looking down at my hand and seeing the knife.

"Adam what are you doing?" She asked backing up.

I smirked and looked at her. "You are going to be a lesson for anyone who tries to take my Ty away from me!" I yelled and stabbed her in the chest

She gasped stumbling a few steps back. I growled and pushed the blade in deeper. I watched as she fell backwards. I grabbed her leg dragging her corpse away from the tree.

"What to do with her now..?" I asked myself.

I looked around and got an idea. Cliché but it'll do. I dragged her towards the back of the school. I pulled her to the edge of the water and kicked her in. I got up and grabbed my bag making sure to get every thing that could be considered evidence before starting to walk off. I decided to go home and change before calling Jason. That way if they started questioning I'll have an alibi.

I went in and undressed before jumping in the shower. I looked down at the water dripping off of me noticing the faint red tint to it. I guess blood may have gotten into my hair and on my face. I'm glad the road was empty otherwise I obviously would have been a suspect. And they wouldn't have been wrong either.

I got out and dried off. Sending a quick text to Jason that I'd be there soon. Only to get text back to pick up some food. I sighed and grabbed my wallet before grabbing my keys too.

I called Jason deciding not to waste my time on texting.

"Hey what do you want to eat?" I asked as he answered instinctively fiddling with the keys in my pocket

"Pick me up something from McDonald's or something I don't care."

"Glad to know your taste hasn't changed when you started dating Tyler."

"Nothing changed when I started dating Tyler."

"Your sleeping schedule sure as hell did." I said chuckling

"That's only because at night we get busy."

"Yeah didn't need to know that." I said laughing more

"Hey you had to know why."

"I really didn't. I'll be there in an hour okay?"

"Alright I'll see you when you get here."

I grinned and hung up going in to order the food only to walk out fifteen minutes later with two bags of food and making my way to Jason's.

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