Chapter 2

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I yawned and leaned against the wall outside of the girls locker room. My friend Jason had said they had the same gym period. Jason had been my friend ever since 3rd grade. Hell I even got him and Tyler together. I snapped out of my thoughts when there the girl was staring directly at me.

"Need somethin' sugar?" She asked a thick southern accent.

God if Ty dated someone like her he had to be desperate because damn that accent would get on anyone's nerves.

"Yeah I'm a friend of Ty's," bingo her eyes instantly lit up at the mention of his name. So I got her interest "He said he wanted to meet you under the big tree in the court yard at 9:00 tonight."

Her smile got even wider than I thought possible. Like the bitch looked like a psychopath.

"Okay I'll be there" she said practically skipping off.

I scowled at the sight.

"God I'm doing the world a favor." I muttered turning to leave the school.

I walked out since school today would only be an inconvenience. We only had a few days left nothing major would be going on. Hell I bet they won't even take attendance. I walked to my house grabbing a small pocket knife and stuffed it in my shoe where it would easily hidden. I shook my head and emptied my school bag putting a few extra things in there incase it didn't go as easily as i suspect it will. The girl isn't bright in fact she's probably barely dim. I zipped the bag up starting to change clothes deciding it better not to stain the over priced clothes I called my uniform with blood. I changed into a grey sweatshirt and a pair of dark colored jeans. I made sure to put my sunglasses back on to hide the faint glow of my budder colored eyes. I slid my amulet back over my head and put my shoes on. Before glancing at the clock.

"Did I really waste all this time putting this shit together?" I asked myself noticing how the clock now said 7:40 p.m.

I walked downstairs deciding to eat before heading back to the school I had to be there early to make sure I had enough time to hide. I sighed grabbing a bag of pizza rolls and put them on a plate before putting them in the microwave. I punched the number in before hearing my phone start to ring. I grabbed it from my pocket and walked out of the couch looking a the caller ID. It was Jerome. I hit answer and was about to say hi but he interrupted me.

"ADAM HOLY FUCK WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY" He yelled into the phone

I cocked an eyebrow

"What is it Fluffy?" I asked chuckling lightly at the childhood memory.

When Jerome was around seven or eight he went through a Star Wars phase and he refused to take off a Chewbacca costume for a month straight. His parents even thought about sending him to a counselor or something. Our group of friends started calling him Fluffy and threatened to shave him. It is hilarious looking back at it.

"MITCH IS PREGNANT" He yelled fear dripping off every word.

"Are you sure I thought male pregnancy was extremely rare?" I said a little bit of fear starting to rise.

"Yeah he took a test and everything."

"Jerome buddy you're fucked"

"Yeah thanks Adam you don't think I know that?!" He snapped "Mitch's parents are going to freak out.. they're extreme they'll kick him out. My parents are going through a tough time now. You're the closest friend I got is there anyway he can stay with you if he gets kicked out?" He begged.

I could hear the desperation in his voice. My parents were going to be traveling in Europe for another year and a half plus they sent money home monthly..

"Sure. He can stay here." I said smiling softly

"Oh my God thank you so much man" He said in relief

"No problem I gotta go man. I'll see you tomorrow"

"See ya dood" He said before hanging up.

I looked at the clock and sighed.

"I'll just eat when I get back" I said grabbing my bag and leaving.

"Time to take care of the skank." I said approaching the school.

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