26: Ahead

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The sound of my footsteps ricocheted off the walls of the houses all around the square. For the first time, I was noticing them. Everything looked so normal at night. I reminded me of the cul-de-sac near my own house. I ran. The sun would come up soon. It would brighten everything soon and then I would have to deal with the crowds. It was much safer for me to travel in darkness.

I veered towards the train station. 

"Where are you going, Miss?" Someone called after me.

Chills ran up my spine at the sudden voice. I turned to see the nice clerk from the pharmacy, the one who'd given me Camille's medication.

Relief washed over me. "I'm just going to Asteria," I answered evenly, "I have some business to take care of there."

"How's your friend doing?" He chuckled, walking over to me.

"She's doing much better now, thanks to you-" I stopped. There was something wrong in the way that his eyes glinted. I was already used to the eyes of the Waking World citizens. His eyes were close to theirs, but there was just something off that bothered me. 

I jumped back just as the man swung a small knife at me, narrowly missing my neck. 

My eyes flew wide and I gasped for breath. 

The man pressed something on the side of his neck. The skin of the man seemed to melt away, the colors all blending together and fading. It revealed startlingly bright blue hair with a green hair band. Trailing ribbons fluttered in the slight breeze.


"Why are you here?" I stepped back more, trying to get as close to the train station as possible. If I ran right now, I could make it. I looked back and forth, trying to keep an eye on Locke, who was getting closer and closer by the minute.

"I was in the area. I got a high energy signature a few hours ago. I think you may have something I need, Miss Azure." 

"I know about you now. You don't scare me a all. Sonnet told me-" I was sweating, even in the cool night air. The air was stuffy and choking. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe. Flashes of red and green spotted by vision, nearly blinding me. 

"Yes, she sure did. I am not quite sure why. Typically, the Amelin are very secretive. They like their privacy, but it seems like your arrival is tossing all the rules out of the window." Locke shook his head, mock-sighing. "Well, then again. Sonnet has always been rather loose-lipped and with weak resolve." 

I noticed a white, square bandage on his cheek. He caught my gaze and smiled slightly, touching his cheek. 

"It's not fixed?" I blurted out in surprise. 

"Of course it is not fixed, you little idiot." Locke's expression darkened, his smile fading. "No one alive has the capabilities to fix me. Only the Amelin, and Sonnet is a very poor example of one." 

"Didn't they make you to grow skin or something like that?" 

"No. The original sheeting used for my skin was designed by the Amelin and very limited in supply. Do not worry about me." He smiled mockingly again. "Now, a trade."

I was a mix of pure anger and fear. I wanted to punch him, to kill him for everything bad that had happened to me. I wanted him to stop smiling his stupid smile, pretending like he knew everything in the world.

"I don't need anything from you."

"Are you sure, Miss Azure? You are rather selfish."

"I don't need you to lecture me. It's okay to be a little selfish sometimes," I said immediately, my anger flaring up.

Elliot: A Lucid DreamWhere stories live. Discover now