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Dear Senator Bonteri,

It was nice to see you again on Onderon, even though the circumstances were grim. I'm truly sorry about Steela; I know you two were close. It must feel good to have your planet back. Without her, it would never have been possible. Not a day goes by where I don't think about her, or you. I hope we get to see each other again soon.

Commander Tano

Ahsoka read the letter over and over again. No, she couldn't deliver it to him. It was odd enough as it was that she was physically writing to him on paper. It was nearly impossible to find pens and paper anywhere. Somehow, she ended up with a blank spiral notebook and a bit of extra time. No, she couldn't give it to him. Too personal. She closed the notebook and cast it aside. Her "book of drafts", she decided to call it.

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