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Dear Lux,

Thanks for letting me come over and warn you. I've been having dreams. Bad dreams. I know I couldn't explain it to you well, but you're in trouble. I'm not sure when or why, but harm is coming. I just hope I'm at your side to protect you.

Why did Tessilya hang all over you the whole time? She's obviously into you, but did she really have to rub it in my face? She could tell that I'm crazy about you. I wasn't doing a very good job at hiding it. I just hope it doesn't turn into Steela all over again.

I need to stop doing this to myself. For my own well being, I have to stop writing these letters. I need to get over you and move on. Tessilya loves you, and you love her back. I wish you two the best of luck in the future, even though I hoped the future could be ours to share.

Goodbye, Lux

Her tears stained the paper, smearing the ink. She was a complete mess. It has to be this way, she told herself. They could be nothing more than friends from then on unless things changed drastically. Being friends was pushing it as it was; Ahsoka couldn't think about him without feeling like she had been cast aside and forgotten, yet she was always reminded of her love for him. It had taken her until that moment for her to realize that she truly loved him, but there wasn't a thing she could do about it.

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