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Dear Lux,

I saw you in the hallway of the Senate yesterday. You waved, and I smiled. Thanks for not forgetting about me. You came to see me at the to come and talk to me, which is sweet. I really appreciate it. It was great to get a break from responsibility and spend time with you.

You seemed different. It was almost as if you were an entirely new person, but in a good way. You didn't talk about politics or work or the war at all, and I guess I didn't either. We were more interested in each other. Maybe that's what it feels like to be normal teenagers. Sometimes, I wish things were different. If I weren't a Jedi, maybe I wouldn't feel uncomfortable when I think about my feelings for you.

I definitely like you. To be honest, who wouldn't? You're compassionate, intellient, funny, handsome.... the list goes on and on. I'm not sure what to think anymore. Who am I kidding? I've had a crush on you since the time Senator Amidala and I visited you and your mother on Raxus. I've kept it buried inside myself for so long so that no one would find out, and I didn't even realize it. You're the first one I've explicitly told, even if its only through a letter you'll never read.


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