Stiles Stilinski (f)

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If you didn't already know, Mieczyslaw —known as Stiles — Stilinski is the funny sidekick, best-friend of main character Scott McCall in MTV's tv show Teen Wolf

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If you didn't already know, Mieczyslaw —known as Stiles — Stilinski is the funny sidekick, best-friend of main character Scott McCall in MTV's tv show Teen Wolf. There's been many debates about it but NO! Scott is the Teen Wolf!! Not Stiles!! Therefore he isn't the main character!!

Okay so I spent a lot of time on this and before we start, I'd like to state that I do not hate my dude Mieczyslaw Stilinski. He's literally the funniest character on Teen Wolf. However, because of that and the fact that he's seen has an attractive white guy, the fans dont think twice about whatever comes out of his mouth (or dont even see the many plot holes there is to his character but that's another story). I know, I know, it's not that deep he's just a fictional character but still.

"Why is he problematic?" you ask. Well he's abusive. That's it. Here's 8 reasons why:


Wasn't he going out with Malia in junior year? Why would you go out with someone, lead them on, if you're interested in someone else? Just why?

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Wasn't he going out with Malia in junior year? Why would you go out with someone, lead them on, if you're interested in someone else? Just why?



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Remember when he blamed Scott for his father's death (for the second time)? "WHERE WERE YOU SCOTT??! WHERE WERE YOU??!" Scott had just died

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Remember when he blamed Scott for his father's death (for the second time)? "WHERE WERE YOU SCOTT??! WHERE WERE YOU??!" Scott had just died. By the hands of someone he trusted. Liam, his beta beat him up and Theo finished the job. And that's what Stiles does when he first see him.


Stiles keeps dehumanizing Scott times and times again

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Stiles keeps dehumanizing Scott times and times again.


He keeps putting both Liam & Isaac down in front of others

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He keeps putting both Liam & Isaac down in front of others.


That time when he basically told Isaac, an survivor of physical abuse, to stop talking about his trauma

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That time when he basically told Isaac, an survivor of physical abuse, to stop talking about his trauma.

Noah Stilinski was removed from his post as the Sheriff of the town because Stiles stole a van from the department and was placed under a restraining order.


How about when Scott was clearly not acting like himself and kissed Lydia? That was Stiles's reaction

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How about when Scott was clearly not acting like himself and kissed Lydia? That was Stiles's reaction. Nice right, thinking of your best friend as a dog. (That's also dehumanizing by the way)

(Throughout the whole series)
He abuses his father's privilege as the Sheriff to do illegal background checks.

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