Forbidden~ Osamu Dazai

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Everyone has a dirty secret. Something that brings them shame but has sadly become an addiction. Something you know is wrong but still do despite the consequences.

You were Dazai's.

One that he couldn't help but falling back to, despite all the promises he had made to himself saying he'd never call you again. But day after day he would find himself waking up in your bed. You drove him wild, and made him feel more emotions in an hour than he'd ever felt in his entire 22 years of existence.

You were the bane of his pitiful existence but also the only person that kept him from his suicidal tendencies. You were the one person he should stay away from but as fate would have it he couldn't resist the temptation of giving into you.

So there he was.

At 2:37 in the morning, when he should've at home fast asleep, he was raising his hand to knock on your door.

He knew he'd regret it tomorrow but as he'd heard one to many times: you have to live in the moment.

His breath caught in his throat when you finally opened the door, a black satin robe draped over your shoulders that served no purpose as it failed miserably at hiding the dark red underwear underneath. His eyes scanned your body quickly before meeting your eyes. He could tell he had interrupted your sleep, the small pout on your lips contrasting beautifully with the excited gleam in your eyes.

"Dazai....what are you doing here?"

You knew full well why he was standing in front of your door, but you wanted to hear him say it. You wanted the words to leave those soft lips of his and allow you to give him what he wanted.

"I wan-" he started off slowly but quickly coughed and one of his hands to cup your chin "I need you."

Those words brought out another gleam in your beautiful e/c eyes. A darker, more twisted one.

Dazai cursed under his breath before crashing his lips into yours, his hands moving to grab your hips and bring you closer to him.

Your hands moved to tangle themselves in his hair, enjoying the scent of his cologne as he moved you towards your bedroom, his body having memorized your apartment from the various visits he paid you.

A gasp left your lips when his hands snaked down, squeezing your ass gently before lifting you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist in a millisecond, a gasp leaving your swollen lips when his mouth moved to mark the smooth skin of your neck.

Instead of immediately placing you on your bed he closed the bedroom door behind him and pressed you against it, moving his knee between your legs to support you weight as he skillfully unclasped your bra and removed it along with the your pesky robe. In a matter of seconds his lips were pressed to one of your breasts, his calloused hands kneading the other one.

His touch left your skin tingling, a pleasant burning that made you all the more desperate to remove his clothing. A small moan left your lips as his tongue teased your nipple, which was immediately rewarded with a teasing bite.

His mouth pulled away from your skin, and his hands moved to draw circles on your hips. His silence made you open your eyes and you realized he was staring at the tattoo that circled from your side to right underneath your left breast. It was a simple ink drawing of a dragon but it reminded him of why you were forbidden.

"Baby... We've talked about this..." Your voice was warm and somewhat distraught as you watched his eyes glaze over. Your hands moved to cup his face, forcing his gaze to meet yours, the words that left your mouth next bringing pain to you both

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