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It's not just another color

You were purple
When you trailed your fingers
Your hands painted it in stripes on the walls
I was white
I made everyone brighter
A smile, a hug, and they were lighter than they started
I was too scared to touch you
Your deep purple was beautiful
I wanted to stare at it forever
To get lost in it and drown
I would often stare at you
Maybe you caught me a few times
I didn't notice, I was too busy trying to breathe
Did you want to be brighter as well?
But now I'll never know
Your stripes have faded since you left
And I can breathe
I wanted so badly to see our shade of lilac
It would have been so pretty
It would have been darker than normal
For you we're so deep to start
I dream of our lilac
It haunts me every night
It's something that could've but wasn't
And that's one of my greatest fears
I like to paint our lilac
Into words on a page
So maybe you'll read them
Or somebody who feels the same
If you have your own shade of color
That you'd like to create
Create it and see if you like it
Before their color fades.



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