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What's in your closet

We've all got things we're afraid of
We've all got things to hide
That twenty six year old's afraid of the dark
And that little girl is afraid to climb
I'm afraid of things that could have but didn't
As I was too scared to follow through
Just little things that shouldn't bother
But I end up regretting soon
I'm afraid of boys showing interest
And I just start to clam up
It makes no sense but it's for the best
As it's just a big distraction
I'm afraid of taking risks
But then again I regret not taking them
And I don't know what I fear more
Taking it or living to regret it
I'm afraid of pretty people
Because they're just so damn attractive
I tend to get too nervous
And hope they don't think I'm weird
I'm afraid of big decisions
And what is there more to say
Isn't everyone afraid to do something
That might ruin what they've made
I'm afraid of speaking out
And people thinking I'm a freak
I'm smart and people tend to get intimidated
But I just want you to like me
I'm not that different than you
I'm afraid of people judging me
And telling what I should do
It's mine life go live yours
Please and thank you
I'm afraid of grand gestures
And coming on too strong
I'm afraid of coffee dates
Double dates are kind of wrong
I'm afraid of liking the wrong people
And hanging with the wrong crowd
I'm afraid people won't like what I write
I'm afraid speak up at all.


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