Calls and Broken Walls (Prolouge)

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Quick note: this story is a sequel to a story I made previously titled "Wisteria's Choice."

                                                              **Warning: Language**

Sarah sat on her bed, looking at the stars from her window. The moonlight glimmered in her room. Her phone rang. She took it out

 "Mia-steria MOON sent you 4 text messages-

Hey Sarah!

How's chur brother?

Am I being annoying?

I think I'm being annoying."

Sarah texted back-

"Nah, your not.

James is though.

How r chu?"

"Sarah!" James yelled from the hallway. Sarah rolled her eyes. "What?"

James swung the door to Sarah's room open. "James what the he-"

"Shhh." James walked over to Sarah's computer desk. "James you didn't even knock, or ask mom for the key."

"What?!" His mom yelled from the living room. "Sarah!" James spat, angry. "James get over here!" His mom yelled. James grabbed a photo and a pair of scissors from Sarah's desk. "James!" Sarah got up from her bed.


James walked back to his room, angered. "Thanks a lot, Sarah!" He stepped on her foot. Sarah snatched away the scissors. "James what the frick is your problem?"

"My problem, Sarah, is this," James snatched back the scissors, holding up the picture.

"James!" Sarah tried to grab the photo and the scissors, but James backed away. James snipped the photo. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you have a problem with one measly pho-"

"If I can't have Mia," James jumped back when Sarah tried to snatch the photo again. James snipped the photo to a point were it almost cut in half. "Neither can you."

James tore the photo in half, the scissors still in his hand. Sarah grabbed the photo. It was a photo from Disneyland with her and Mia, except they were separated since James cut the photo in half.

Sarah walked to her room, the photo clenched between her fist. She put the photo on her desk, and grabbed some clear tape. "Yeah, and cutting a photo is going to change that huh James?" Sarah mumbled. Her phone rang.

"Mia-steria MOON is calling"

Sarah answered the phone. "Hey Mia." 

"Hey Sarah! How you doing?" Asked Mia with a smile on her face. Her voice sounded tired but cheery.

Sarah pulled the tape hard. "Pretty-"

A bang came from the other side of the hall. Sarah rolled her eyes. "Terrible."

Sarah taped the photo back together. Mia turned on facecam. Her smiled seemed a little faded. "James?"

Sarah nodded, turning her facecam on. Mia rolled her eyes. "How are you?" Asked Sarah, trying to ignore James' loud banging. "Pretty great, Ju-"

"Shhhh, James might bang my wall again."

Mia giggled. "Julian and I just got back from the movies," she said in a quieter tone. "I'm pretty worn out."

Sarah pinned the photo back on her wall. She put the scissors away. "To be honest, I haven't gone out much today, but I'm still pretty beat also." Mia yawned. She already knew why Sarah was worn out. Sarah pointed to the room a few paces across the hall, which was also James' room next door. Mia smirked sleepily. "I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm really tired. Goodnight Sarah."

Sarah turned around. "Bye Mia," she said, hanging up the phone. She heard a bed spring pop, and rolled her eyes.

She walked over to James' bedroom. Sarah creaked open the door. "Jame-"

 James threw the bed spring towards Sarah's eye. Sarah ducked down. She put her hands up. "I mean if you wanted me to leave you could've asked."

"Shut up!" Yelled James as Sarah walked towards her room.


Sarah plopped head down first on her bed. She turned off the lights and turned on her alarm. She grabbed her phone. The full moon's light glimmered through her curtains and across her bedroom.

Sarah got out her phone and opened up Snapchat. She took a picture of her dream catcher, which was glimmering in the moonlight. She swiped to the filter that said the time. It was 11:11.

Sarah put on a caption, then put her phone away. As the moonlight grew brighter, Sarah grew sleepier. She fell asleep at exactly 12:00 a.m.

On the caption, you could see the words: 💙✨ For a better tomorrow ✨💙

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