Cross Dreams (Pt. 2)

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   So, what ever happened to Mia, James, and Julian?

  (This is where the more relevant stuff of Cross Dreams comes in)


Julian stood on the tower. Snowflakes dropped and melted on his head. He ran to the balcony. Nobody but Mia and James, who he didn't recognize, were there. He walked closer, but ended up slipping, over the bars, with only one hand supporting him. Julian took a deep breath, and let go.

He didn't hit the ground, yet he wasn't flying either; it was more of floating than flying. Kind of like Sarah. He didn't move, and even if he tried, he couldn't. He seemed frozen in the air.

A soft flute played, and snow began to gradually pour from the sky. The moonlight grew lighter, and Julian began to seemingly unfreeze.

The two people below him were dancing in unison, not touching, but making eye contact. Julian floated slowly to the ground. Very slowly.

Something white and yellow past by him. He grabbed it. It was a pencil and paper. "You might want to write this down," he thought.

The moonlight grew on the scene. He wrote down everything that was happening. 


The two people stepped closer to each other. The flute played the song in a crescendo, and the music played faster and louder. Their hands met, and their eyes grew wide.

The weird thing was, they didn't know each other. In the dream realm, at least.

They just, froze, slowly letting go of each other.



Everything was written down. Julian put the paper in his pocket, and let go of the pencil. He was still floating. 

The moonlight was dimming out, and so was the scene around him.


Once Mia and James let go of each other, they backed up and turned around. The scene grew dark.


Mia woke up in a dark blue room, kind of like where Sarah was. 

James and Julian woke up in the same room. They were about three yards apart from each other. Stars sparkled around each of them, and led them to a white light. In their mind, they thought it was the end, even if they knew it wasn't.

Before they entered into the light, the stars burned out, and the scene was silent. They turned around, locking eyes with each other for a solid five seconds, before saying each other's names in unison.




The white light towered over them, before it ended in a flash.





Mia woke up in her bed, cuddled under her blanket. The winds and sunlight warmed up her room. She rolled of her bed. Her alarm rang. 6:24 a.m.

Mia groaned, then squirmed out of her mess of blankets. She got up, opened the curtains, and walked to the bathroom.



6:47 a.m. Mia just finished taking off her face mask. She plugged in her hair curler and grabbed her phone. She texted Sarah, "Hey Sarah! Let's meet at the coffee shop at 7:10."


Mia and Sarah sat down at one of the coffee shop's round tables, giggling and talking while they drank their lattes. 

Sarah looked around, then turned to Mia. "Hey... Mia. So, this is pretty weird but, I had this dream where you and I, and James, and Julian, were at Paris. For some reason, we didn't recognize each other and, well, Julian sort of danced with a girl I may or may not have shot with an arrow- in the dream, not in real life. I don't know."

Mia scratched her head. "Huh, weird, I had a similar dream that same night."

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well, probably doesn't mean anything."

Mia giggled. "Yeah, oh well. Anyways, let's go to school."

They got up from their chairs and walked out of the coffee shop. James was waiting for them outside. They greeted each other, then walked over to school.



Julian walked out from the side of the coffee shop. He took out a paper that was in his pocket. The words dancing, circling, approaching, holding hands, letting go, backing up, floating, darkness. Identities, unknown(?), were all written down. He  looked up, glancing at the trio, slipping the paper back in his pocket.

His mind said it didn't mean anything, but his conscious was saying to keep the paper. 

Julian put up his hoodie, then walked to school, the sunlight and a glittery path colored with chalk guiding his way. 

"Coincidence?" He thought.



"Nope, just me."

Moonlight (Jisteria and Wistparri Fanfiction) ~ON HOLD~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin