Awkward Tuesday

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Sarah and Mia arrived at school a little early today. A lot of people were hanging out on the benches and at the tables or under the trees around the school, whispering and pushing each other around playfully.

"Sarah," called out Faith, one of Sarah's friends. Mia hugged Sarah, then they walked to their separate friend groups.

Julia, another one of Sarah's friends, pulled her closer into the small friend circle. Faith whispered something into her ear. "Have you heard about a new girl?"

Sarah looked confused. "New girl?" Faith nodded. "Candy Swirl. She's a senior."

The first period bell rang. Sarah and the others walked over to their classes.

An unfamiliar person tapped on Sarah's shoulder. Sarah turned around. "Sorry to bother you," said the person, "I just need some help getting to my class." She showed Sarah her schedule. Sarah looked up and pointed at a hallway. "It's in the hallway on the right of the cafeteria. Just enter through the middle door and classroom 3Se is, think somewhere on the left."

The girl smiled. "Thank you." She ran towards the hallway. Sarah nodded, then ran to her class.

The lunch bell rang. Sarah and her friends walked over with their lunches to an empty lunch table, under the tall oak tree.

"Someone, I think was the new girl, walked up to me this morning and asked where her first period class was," explained Sarah, "I didn't catch her name though."

Faith nodded, then reminded Sarah of the new girl's name, "Candy."

A hand smashed into Sarah's mashed potato's. "Oops," said the person in a sassily sarcastic tone as he lifted up his hand. Faith looked straight at him and slapped his face.

A boy in round glasses ran up to their table holding a lunch tray. "Sorry about that, Sarah." He pushed Sarah's friends aside, making one of them slip off the seat, then signaled for his friend to leave, but stay near.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," said Ariana, the girl who fell. Faith helped her up.

"You could have mine, Sarah," said the boy, pushing his lunch towards Sarah. He laid his head on her shoulder.

Sarah rolled her eyes. She pushed his head off of her shoulder. "Piss off, Eric."

Eric (Skorm) got off the bench. "Chill out, Sarah, I was just offering you my potatoes." Faith rolled her eyes, pulling Eric off of the bench and then getting up. "Yeah, in a really thirsty way."

Sarah stood up. Faith pushed Eric to Julia, then Julia grabbed Eric's hand and spinned him around, then let go leaving him spinning. Sarah grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Keep trying, Eric. I don't date fuckboys," Sarah said in his face, and then pushed him to the ground. Faith walked up to him as he got up. "You and your little setups don't work on us," she said, smirking. Eric pushed Faith. "Little bitch." He ran over to his friends.

Sarah and her friends turned around, then sat down at their lunch table. A girl holding a small lunch bag walked up to them. "Oh hey," she said, setting down her lunch bag on one side of their lunch table, "Weren't you the girl who helped me get to class this morning?"

Sarah looked at the girl, recognizing who she was in a second. She nodded her head. "You could sit here, if you want." Candy nodded, sitting down next to Julia. "Your very kind, thank you. Uh, I never caught your name," she said. Sarah smiled. "Your welcome. Oh, and it's Sarah."

Candy smiled, then looked over her shoulder. She turned back and asked Sarah, "Who are those guys?" Sarah turned around to look at Eric and his group of friends. She exchanged glances with Faith, then Ariana, then looked at Candy. "Fuck boys." Candy's eyes opened wide as she bit her lip. Sarah apologized, "Sorry." Candy nodded. "It's okay. I just don't really like curse words."  The 5th period bell rang. Sarah waved bye to the others then caught up to walk with Kiana, one of her friends, to the science hall.

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