Hiding In Plain Sight- Pt 2

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A/N: Alright so this is probably the shortest chapter. I would have combined it with Part 1, but I felt like it would be better on its own. Part 3 is coming soon. Thanks again for reading, commenting, and voting!🙂

Lloyd woke up, with the sun shining in his eyes, and got together. To his pleasure he found all his injuries healed, almost like they never happened. He then met up with the others on the deck. In the distance, there was a bright blue temple that had storm clouds hovering around it.

“Yep, definitely looks like a Lightning Temple to me.” Kai said as he got his katana

“Beware that with the stone being within the temple, only Jay can touch it.” Zane said

“Two things. One, how come? Two, aren't you coming with?” Loriah asked

“If anyone other than Jay touches it within the temple, they will get shocked with lightning. It won't matter outside the temple. Also I am not going unless you would like lightning coming at you all.” Zane said with a smile

All of them nodded.

“Let's get going then. We should be back in a bit Zane.” Lloyd said

Zane gave an ok, and the others then summoned their dragons before heading to the temple.

Zane then headed back in and to the kitchen.

“Echo, come here.” Zane called

Echo came down a moment later.

“What do you want.” Echo snapped

Zane then threw a shuriken and it caught on Echo’s shirt, pinning him to the wall.

“Who are you and what have you done to my brother.” Zane said harshly

“Awe am I not you little brother Zane?” Echo questioned. As he said that his voice became raspier.

Echo’s figure then changed to a man with black hair and grey skin. His eyes were a deep red color. The figure was also dressed in black and he had a wicked grin.

Zane took a careful step back.

“Not what you expected Zane?” they rasped

“Who are you and where is my brother.” Zane repeated

“Let's just say your silly brother and friend are asleep.” they said as several shadows then appeared

“Get him.” they snarled before the shadows attacked

Zane ducked and found himself by the fridge. The shadows then attacked from both sides. Zane slammed one fridge door open, knocking two of them back. He then did the same to the other two on his other side. Zane ducked as one tried to do a kick. Zane soon found himself backed up against a wall. He tried to move his arms before found them pinned by a shadow that then appeared. Zane struggled and squirmed as the figure that had once been Echo begun to approach him.

“Don't underestimate me Zane. Many people call me the ShapeShifter. As you’ve seen, I can take the form of others. That's not my only talent. I guess you could say I have some powers of a ghost. Such as...oh I don't know… possessing?” he said with a smirk before he vanish

Before Zane could say or do anything, all he saw was darkness.

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