Never Judge A Book By It's Cover

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A/N (7:00 AM): Ok so I was just scrolling through my chapters and I saw Wattpad didn't publish the full chapter. Only like the first 1/4 of it. I have it fixed up, so now it the full chapter!🙂 Sorry!

A/N: Heyo! I'm back in action! Some stuff got chaotic, so I had to take a pause. Anywho! We have almost reached 60 followers and 2K views! Whoo! Now this chapter is longer than my past few. The new chapter for Dare or Truth Show is still in progress. Forwarning though, the first section of this chapter my send you on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. No guarantees. Comment your thoughts on what you think! I really like reading your guys/gals thoughts, opinions, and suggestions on things!😊 I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!😁

Zane was still fuming even after Lloyd and Loriah manage to separate him from Kai. Kai was sporting a slightly bloody nose. Jackson and Jay both then quieted down. Jackson pulled Zane out of the room and the two disappeared to somewhere. Nya and Cress then came back down.

“Is the wildness over?” Nya asked before noticing Kai

“Thank the heavens we were here, otherwise you probably would have vanished to somewhere or become an ice pop.” Loriah said as she pulled her hair into a loose ponytail

“Alrighty I geth it.” Kai said as he tried to stop the bleeding

Lloyd just stood and shook his head.

“Kai, Kai, Kai….” Lloyd said distastefully

Kai rolled his eyes just as Jackson and Zane came back.

“Alright Zane?”Jay asked

“Yes.” Zane said simply though he glared at Kai.

Sensei Wu and Cole then came down. Wu headed out towards the deck and Cole came into the kitchen. All he did was take a quick look at all of them.

“Do I even want to know?” He asked with a slight sigh


Sensei had the ninja pick back up on their training. He also wanted Cress to grow more accustomed to training with a team. Jay watched in amazement when she pulled out her main weapon, a Kusari-Gama.

“Whoahhhhh!” Jay exclaimed when she pulled it out

“What's the big deal?” Cress asked as she fingered the chain

“The big deal is that that is an awesome looking weapon!” Jay said as he looked at his nunchucks

Cress shrugged as a reply.


Almost two hours had passed before they started sparring one another. Cress noticed that Jackson was watching her very closely when she sparred Kai. Kai ended up lowering his defenses, allowing Cress to defeat him.

“Next is Loriah and Jay.” Sensei then said after Kai's defeat.

Cress walked over to Jackson while Loriah and Jay fought.

“Why were you​ watching me like that?” Cress asked with a mixture of suspicion and annoyance

Jackson then turned to face her, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

“First off, I can clearly tell you do not like me so no need to fake it. Second, I am sorry about our terrible introduction because my mind was elsewhere trying to fix a large mistake of mine. Third, no need to be so uptight. I am not a stalker nor do I ever plan to be one. I happen to live under the same roof as you. Fourth, I am sorry for your loss.” Jackson said with his arms loosely crossed

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