Chapter 05 | Shit, who likes a grief story

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Chapter Five:

Shit, who likes a grief story.

Grief, a type of sadness that most offen occurs when you have lost someone you love, it's a sneaky thing because it can disappear for a long time, and then pop back up when you least expect it.

Me personally forgetting my dad's passing was difficult, challenging, there were times I just wanted to give up on life like there was no point as if we were put on this planet just to die but my dad hated the way I used that phrase he always thought we were put here for a reason and when we have fulfilled that it's our time to leave, then again we all have our opinions, and I guess it was just 'his time'.

It seemed like we had been walking for decades, my legs were starting to quiver and my feet were now sore. I took an occasional pause every ten or so minutes just to catch up with him and to control my breathing.

Once we passed the old church by the riverbank I knew the destination was just about out of town, near the farms and fields. It's been silent most of the time although, I keep spotting Harry staring at me and whenever I catch him staring he turns away like nothing happened.

I have no idea why he keeps staring, I'm not good looking I mean I got my fair share of looks from my mum but I'm nothing to drawl over.

Leaving aside that I'm beginning to regret coming out, what would mum think? She'll have no choice but to suspend me, perhaps even expell me. If truth be told, I've never been a let my hair down kind of person or rules-optional, I'm used to living and abiding by rules and regulations. And for Harry, he was the total opposite.

As we came up to a holt in front of an open green filed, Harry stood behind me covering my eyes and whispered in my ears a bit too close for comfort.

The light pressure of his mintly breath against my ear sent a shiver down my spine, a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach. I noticed my cheeks flush to the color of scarlet, my pale skin turn as red as a rose.

"I'm going to remove my hands now, keep your eyes closed beautiful," And I did as I was told. "We're here" He announced, guiding me forward a few more steps.

The air was filled with the aroma of popcorn, hot dogs and grilled food, at least that's what my sences could reveal, am I in a fun fair? Why would he bring me here? This place generates old memories, good and bad, but I'm not about to let him know that.

"You can open your eyes now" He instructed and I fluttered my eyes open to a crowd of people roaming around the fair ground with candy floss and other fast food treats in their hands, little children running and skipping around everyone's face is smiling and pleasant including Harry's.

"What are we doing here?" Still at sea to why he brought me to this place, not that I don't like it, it's just it doesn't hurt to wonder.

"You need to loosen up a bit" He spoke "Just have fun without considering the consequences" He got a hold of my hand and began to lead me towards the entrance and though the crowd of people.

I ignored the tingling sensation on my skin from when he touched me and walked behind him. To be honest I was way to interested in the big stuffed penguin hanging off the cork guns stall. I just had to get it, I guess Harry caught on fast as he asked the fairground worker for a try.

"What you doing," I said. "You don't have to, I could probably do better than you anyway"

He just smirked and handed me a cork gun "Okay, I challenge you to a play off" he dared "The person that knocks down the most targets wins"

"It's a deal, if I win I keep the cute penguin. If you win I still get to keep the penguin" I challenged returning the smirk.

He decides to go first and unfortunately for me knocked down six targets. All I have to do is score seven right? I can do that, it's not like all my life I've been the most clumsy person known to existence, I've never been good at aiming I just hope I get some sort of miracle and knock out eight.

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