The Summer

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     "I got it!" Sabrina exclaimed, "we'll all get jobs at Frosty and co. , then, we can earn money AND have fun!"

     "I heard they don't get much customers there, that means more time to hang out!" Said Kate.

     "Yes! We already have the perfect summer planned out, and it's only May!" I remarked.

I knew this summer was going to be the best adventure we'd been on in a while. This year it was going to be different, we had all gotten our drivers licenses, so we planned this huge road trip across the country and back. We live in Georgia, so we were planning to scoop around Florida, then drive all the way up to New York, hitting all the major landmarks as we drove by. We were going to take the minivan and... "EARTH TO LILY!" Sabrina screamed in my face.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking about the summer! I'm so exited!" I replied.

"US TOO!!" They all shouted.

We all started laughing and rolling on the rose colored carpet.

     "Oh! It's eight o'clock already!" Remarked Jen!

     We all grabbed our bags and ran down to the beach. We all lived right up against the coast, so we were going to be the people who get caught by the tsunami first, if there is one. We laid our towels and bags on the ground and ran out into the water.

     A few hours later, we came back, soaking, grabbed our towels, and settled in the sand. We did this often, since it was scorching hot most of the time, even if it was ten o'clock at night.

     We gazed up at the stars, each of us innocent and had absolutely no idea what was going to come next. We were living in the moment, and that's all we cared about, until now...

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