Waking Up

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Your POV
Your vision begins flashing from white to black. Your trying to move but your limbs feel like lead. You once again try to cry out for help, but all your attempts fail. You mentally sigh. Why you? Why did this happen to you? The answer is unclear. Only darkness....

Genos POV
I notice the girl struggling to wake up. I never thought saying those simple two words would mean so much.... No use dwelling on it.

Her right eye snaps open and the left eye is covered in a flickering white glitch like mine, which was odd. Wait.... Did she get here like I did? It's the only way she'd have that eye.... But thats not possible! Or at least I thought...

Your POV
Your eye snaps open and you take in your surroundings. At the moment all you saw was blobs of color. Of course, you forgot your glasses. Maybe that wasn't it though, you hadn't worn them in years! Why would you need them now?

You attempt to move. Finally it worked! A bit too fast though. Your head had shot up and hit something hard. You bounce back and rub your head.

You hear the voice from your dream. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!"
You look up and your vision focuses on a skeleton with a red scarf, a glitchy left eye, and a huge scar showing over his white hoodie. You jump back and he smiles nervously. 'He's pretty cute I have to admit...ugh what am I saying?!' You thought.

"Forget me, are you okay!?" You ask. He seems a bit surprised.

Genos POV
Did she ask if I was okay...? I've never been asked that....how do I respond? I look at her with a surprised expression.
"U-uh....y-yeah.." I respond. I knew I wasn't okay. She didn't though. She seems a bit skeptical but ignores her doubt and smiles. God her smiles adorable!

"Oh, good! My names Y/N!" She said and held out her hand. I hesitantly and timidly shake her hand.
"G-Geno. Why are you here?" I ask curiously. She looks confused.
"I don't know...speaking of, where am I?" She asked. I respond of course.

"Welcome to the save screen kid. Waking up here's the beginning of a new nightmare."

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