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Genos POV

She kept laughing. I blush more and playfully growl at her. She keeps laughing. God her laugh was adorable....wait WHAT?!

I sigh and stare at her. She was staring into space, looking distant. She looked so...peaceful...haven't felt that in a long time. Heh.

What was that feeling, you may be wondering? Why, happiness! The kind that makes your soul warm up and make you smile....

Your POV

You sigh softly, zoning out. Your mind began to drift, and so did your fell asleep.


You were walking through the woods, walking away from some one or something. You broke into a run.

You kept getting hit by low hanging branches from trees, cuts and bruises spreading across your face. You hear a hiss from behind you and you screamed as some one tackled you to the ground, making everything go black and for you to fall dreamless...

Genos POV

I sighed. She fell asleep. She began to twitch and I start to try calming her. I hug her gently and start to stroke er head, making her purr. I blush more and start to nod off, only to be awoken by the click of a camera and Frisk running off. God damn it....

A/N: Hello my mystical friends! Sorry it so short, I've been having terrible anxiety problems and I've been trying to write this to take my mind off it. WRITERS BLOOOOOOCK.

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