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A/N: this little girl just amazes me and is singing my fav song, play if you want.

Your POV

*File Saved

You hear a small ding sound. Geno heard it too and looks a bit surprised. You two look around quickly and see Frisk. They shrug and begins slowly signing*

"Finally, someone to SAVE." They sign. You and Geno look confused. Genos eye sockets widen in realization.

"Y-y-you SAVED a file?! How-- why is more important! Now you can't go back!" He begins shouting at you in fear and frustration. You tear up. You had just met him, why are you crying from his words?!

Geno POV

I look at her beginning to cry. I stop in realization and hurriedly apologize. "Oh my god, I am SO sorry! I-I didn't know I was-- I didn't mean to-- UGH IM MAKING THIS WORSE!" I start shouting at myself. Y/N looks a bit confused and scared. I stop and look down, feeling bad. "S-so you have determination?" I ask. She nods and reveals her soul again. The array of colors had momentarily stopped at red, meaning determination. I sigh, and so does Frisk. How can she even have those soul colors?

She hides her soul and begins paving in a circle. Frisk had ran off to play with my gaster blasters. I sigh.

"So have quite the soul there." I said nonchalantly. She shrugs and paces in a circle. I look away for a moment.

"Well I have had many mages in my family, and since I'm the seventh, I have all seven soul traits. Perseverance, Integrity, Justice, Patience, Bravery, Kindness, and Determination." She said. I look a bit confused.

"What about that gold one?" I ask. She seized up. She looks away and doesn't speak. I move closer to her.

"What. Is. It." I demanded, not really asking a question. She backs up a step and she seems scared. I go silent and move away.

She runs. I see her disappear into the darkness of the save screen. I sigh. Did she have more than determination?


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