Egg Vs You'd- The Conclusion

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Egg started laughing and said "Oh look the scaredy cat is such a scaredy cat, not that he is cat, he is human, not a cat, who said he was a cat, I didn't say he was a cat, he is a normal human being and so am I, I have a human name, my name is Egg dfhdhf I mean my name is Ezz, I'm not an egg, If I was then you could eat me, I'm human I'm human." No one heard Egg because everyone was looking out the window and trying to find You'd. Mr.Modern started sweating, If Mr.Faloojabable found out that You'd jumped out the window, then the alliance between aliens and humans will be broken and The Action Committee would kill all the aliens! Egg realized that that meant that he gets to keep his spot with You'd dead, but then they heard a meow and You'd climbed back into the classroom. "HAHA Got you!" said You'd "I pranked you all!" Mr.Faloojabable was passing and saw You'd's incredible cat abilities and was thinking that maybe it's better for You'd to stay, he does work with Poochiebecca, he could get info about her through You'd. Egg is just an egg, but he is worth keeping because he does make You'd work harder. Mr.Faloojabable called little look like and said "Little look like, I need you to turn into Ms.Mona and go into that classroom," Mr.Faloojabable points at the classroom Egg and You'd where in "and call Egg and You'd, then bring them to my office." "Got it." said Little look like. Little look like shapeshifted to Ms.Mona and went into the classroom "Oh hello," said "Ms.Mona" "I would like to speak to Ezz and Youssef." Egg and You'd followed Ms.Mona. "Guys I'm actually Little Look Like!" Little look like transforms into himself when they get to Mr. Faloojabbable's office "Good luck!" He tells them then leaves. "Please sit down. NOW!!!!" Egg and You'd sit "Did you decide who is gonna stay?" asked You'd. Egg knew that he would be the one to stay because he is the one who got You'd to do all that he needs to do so You'd is no longer needed. You'd thinks he is the one who is gonna stay because he did everything he was supposed to and he is the person who can get info on Poochiebecca, plus he has been part of the Action Committee since the beginning, well his great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandcatfather was with Mr.Faloojabable's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather when they founded the Action Committee. "Yes..... BOTH OF YOU IDIOTS ARE STAYING!!!!!" "WHAT?!" You'd and Egg both yelled at the same time. "Well first of all DON'T YELL AT ME YOU IDIOTS!!! Second I decided that you are both worth keeping because You'd you work very well with Poochiebecca if I kick you out then who will work with her?" Mr. Faloojabable asked. "I will!" Egg answered."Trust me You'd and Poochiebecca are really close and they get along very well I don't think you can take his place". "HA!! Point for me!" You'd said. "Egg you make You'd work harder so I'm keeping you too... NOW GET OUT MY OFFICE BOTH OF YOU!!!! I have a date with Poochiebecca tonight!" Egg and You'd left. "Well looks like we'll be working with each other from now on" You'd said "Yea... See you tomorrow?" Egg asked "Yea, bye!" You'd meowed. THE END!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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