Ang Aking Perfect Girlfriend J (part 16)

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Kay Jess...

After arriving at our house, I quickly went inside to see Mom and Dad. I

missed them both. I want to give them my pasalubong right away. But I

found out both of them were not at home. Bummer!

Then I quickly thought of Neddie. My Neddie.

"Ate Sofia! I will go na ha. I'll be back! ", paalam ko kay Ate.

"Ate?! Where are going? You just came back! ", said my baby sister Bianca.

"Bye Baby Sister! Dont worry I'll come back right away! ", I replied to my

baby sister.

"Tsk tsk tsk ", Ate Sofia said with a sly smile.

I hurried over to our garage and took out my car. I noticed we have a new

security guard. A much older guy than Nelson.

"Mam... ", he saluted to me while opening our gate.

I just smiled back. I'm too happy to see Baby Neddie to respond properly.

I brought with me my pasalubong for NEddie including the couple shirt that I

bought. I drove as fast as I can to NEddie's Home.

"Hi Mom! ", I greeted Neddie's mom when she opened the gate.

"Oh Anak! Kamusta! Saan ka nagpunta at ilang araw ka ring nawala ah ", she


"Me and my sister's just went to the province Mom! Ammmm... Is NEddie

Home mom? ", I asked eagerly.

"Wala pa Anak nasa school pa. Pasok ka muna anak pauwi na siguro yun

maya-maya. ", answered Neddie's mom.

"Hmmm... I'll just go pick him up Mom! Hihi! I want to surprise him! ", I said

with a smile.

"Sige anak... matutuwa yun! ", she said.

"Hihi... Oh by the way mom here's my souvenir for you! And here's for Dad,

for Nino and for Grace... ", I said to her while handing over my pasalubongs.

"Ay naku salamat naman Iha! Nag-abala ka pa para samin. ", she said

grateful at the food and things that I bought.

"Ok Bye mom! ".

Next I walked over to Tin-tin's Home to give her my pasalubong and Tita

Carol. The Gate is open but the doors and windows are closed. Hmmmm...

These didn't happen before... strange...

Guess I'll just have to give it later.

So last is my baby Neddie!! I drove my car to school. I parked on a building

just beside our school.

I happily took out my bunch of goodies. Our first couple shirt together.

Second is a local dessert sweets that NEddie would surely love. Last but

not the least, a girl and boy wooden statue with our names engraved on it

by special request.

"Jessie Loves Neddie " carved into.

I know he will be pleased and surprised! I'm so excited!

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