An Awkward Reunion

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"Here we are!  Riverdale, Long Island!"  M'gann took in the sights that Mal was gesturing towards.  It was a nice little town, with lots of trees and green grass, next to a beach with sparkling water.  It was the kind of place you saw in picture books, where most parents wanted to raise their children.  In fact, that was why they were here.

"Its lovely.", M'gann said.  "I know, right?", Karen said.  "Its perfect for Jocelyn."  She stroked her swollen stomach.  "And for the new baby."  Mal started getting boxes out of the moving van.  "No resident superheroes, a record of zero supervillain attacks, and hardly any interesting events happen here.  Boring, quiet, and humdrum.  Its perfect!"

M'gann helped him out.  "I'm sure gonna miss you guys.", she said.  "Are you sure you wanna do this?  Give up the hero life?"  "Positive.", Karen insisted.  "We want our kids to have a stable childhood.  And we want some stability for ourselves, too.  You'll understand someday, when you get married and start a family."  M'gann shook her head.  "Don't see that happening anytime soon."

Mal placed his boxes on the front porch and facepalmed.  "Oh, man!  I forgot to get refreshments for the housewarming party tonight!"  "I'll get some for you!", M'gann said.  Karen gave her some money and a list of all the things they needed.  "The supermarket is on the corner of Fifth and Oscar Street."  M'gann gave her a nod of acknowledgement and hurried off.
"Okay, we need milk, eggs, water, some lamb chops—Becky!  Get down from there!"  Becky held up a tub of ice cream and a bag of big marshmallows.  "Please?"  "No!", Conner told her.  "The last thing you need is sugar!  You're hyper enough already!"  Becky stuck out her lower lip in an adorable pout.  She still wore her pink tutu, and now donned glittery fairy wings.

Conner looked back to see that Molly had grabbed his wallet and was now chewing on the corner, getting baby drool all over it.  "Molly, no!  That's not for chewing!"  He took back his wallet, and she started crying.  Conner tried to shush her, while looking at his grocery list.  "Uh..."  He looked back at Dylan, who was shuffling his feet, looking like a zombie.  "Dylan, help me!"  The boy didn't respond.

Conner walked towards the dairy aisle, along with a wailing Molly, a pouting Becky, and an unresponsive Dylan.  Becky looked up.  "Chocolate milk!"  She ran over and grabbed a carton right off the shelf.  "Rebecca, no!"  "But Da-deeeeee!", Becky whined.  Dylan walked over and grabbed the handle of the milk.  "You heard him, snotnose!  Leggo!"  Becky pulled the carton back.  "YOU leggo!"

They started a tug-o-war with the carton of chocolate milk.  Even though Dylan was four years older, Becky was strong for a six-year-old (wink, wink).  Conner watched his two older children fighting over the carton, the third still screaming in his ear.  "Kids, cut it out NOW!"

Finally, Becky lost her grip on the carton.  Dylan, who was unprepared for that, stumbled backwards.  The carton of milk went flying over his head, his hand accidentally hitting the top and opening it.  The milk spilled into the air—

—and splattered all over an innocent bystander.  She let out a scream as her front half was covered in the brown substance, staining her clothes and messing up her hair.  Conner looked at the victim in horror before turning back to his children with a death glare.  Molly had stopped crying and was now looking at her brother and sister, who were sitting on the market floors with guilty looks on their faces.

Conner bared his teeth at Dylan and Becky.  "Stay."  They gulped simultaneously and nodded in understanding.  He walked away towards the woman, reaching out to wipe the chocolate milk off her with his bare hands.  The words all came tumbling out at once.  "I am so sorry, miss!  They didn't mean to do that!  They're good kids, honest!  Its just they've been out of control lately, and its getting harder for me to—"

He reached up to wipe her face, and he stopped cold.  Even covered in chocolate milk, he could still recognize her.  Her caramel-colored eyes, her perfectly-shaped ears, the freckles sprinkled across her nose.  There was no denying it.  "M'gann?"  The mention of her name jerked her out of her thoughts as she got a good look at the man before her.  "Conner?"

There was moment of silence that each felt lasted an eternity.  Neither spoke a word—they couldn't think of a word to say.  It would be a lie to say that they each, at some point or other, hadn't dreamt of accidentally meeting again by chance.  It was true, however, that a local supermarket in a small town was the last place they had ever imagined it would happen.  Especially the part about her being bombed with a splash of chocolate milk.

Finally, she spoke, breaking the silence between them.  "I-I can't believe it!"  "Neither can I!", he cried, placing a hand to his forehead in happy bewilderment.  "What are you doing here?"  "Mal and Karen are moving into town, and I came along.  I went to the market to get some stuff for their housewarming party.", she explained.  "What are you doing here?"

Conner smiled.  "I live here now."  "Really?"  "Yeah!  Live in the blue house on Parker Avenue."  "That's great!  Wait till Mal and Karen hear that you're their new neighbor!  They'll be floored!"  She tucked a loose wet strand of hair behind her ear.  "So, what do you do for a living?", she asked.

"Oh, I'm actually a cop now.", he said.  "Work at the local station.  Its a good job, great pay, and I still get to fight for justice.  What about you?  Any jobs on the side of the Justice League?"  "Well, I teach kindergarten at an elementary school in Chicago.", she said.  "I just love working with the little ones."  "Cool!  I always thought you were great with kids."  M'gann blushed in response.

"So, how's things in the romance department?", he asked, causing her heart to flutter. "I'll bet someone as pretty and smart and amazing as you are probably has a husband by now, maybe even with a kid or two." M'gann shook her head quickly, intent on him knowing the truth. "No, I'm not married. I'm still looking for the right guy. Maybe...someone like you."

Their pleasant conversation was cut short by a small squeal. Conner turned around to see Molly sitting in her seat, Dylan playing with his hoodie strings—and Becky sneaking boxes, bags and bottles of junk food into their shopping cart. She froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights. Conner glared at her. "Rebecca Jane Kent." She looked down at her shuffling feet. "Sorry."

"Kent?", M'gann breathed. Conner rubbed the side of his neck. "Oh, M'gann–Megan, these are my kids. The big guy's my son, Dylan, the little one's named Molly, and you can call Little Miss Sweet Tooth over there Becky. Kids, this is my friend, Megan." Becky waved enthusiastically. "Hi, Megan!"

His kids? Did that mean he was married? M'gann hung her head. Hello, Megan. Of course he would be married. "Dylan, Becky, put that stuff back where you found it.", Conner scolded. He turned back to Megan. "You were saying?" M'gann adverted her gaze. "Y-Y'know, I better get going. Mal and Karen are expecting me back by now. They're having their party at seven tonight."

"Where do they live?", Conner asked. "Maybe I'll stop by. It'd be good to see them again." "They live at 21-34 Unther Way, if you wanna come." "Cool! I'll see you around, Megan." M'gann watched as he took his cart and wheeled away into another aisle, his son and daughter close at his heels. "Yeah...see you around."

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