The Perfect Moment

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M'gann struck the match and used it to light the candles placed in the center of the table for two, covered with an ivory white lacey tablecloth. She was using her best china and silverware for it. She looked in the mirror. She was wearing a little black dress that she had bought on sale just for the occasion, along with some expensive perfume.

M'gann was so excited. It was her first date with Conner in almost twelve years, and she wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. After all, this was her second chance to be with him after she'd screwed up so badly all those years ago, and she considered herself lucky to even be given a second chance at all.  After checking her reflection for the hundredth time, she heard the doorbell to her apartment ring.

Her stomach did a flip-flop as she pressed a button to let him in.  She opened the door and leaned out to look down the hall.  There he was, walking towards her, smiling that smile that always made her knees turn to jelly.  He wore a nice white button-down shirt and black dress pants.  He had his fancy suit jacket slung over one shoulder in a way M'gann found incredibly sexy.  To her, time seemed to slow down.

Finally, he reached the doorway and smiled at her.  "Hey."  She leaned on the doorway frame, trying and failing to suppress her beaming smile.  "Hey."  She stepped aside to let him into her apartment.
"Here it is, fresh off the grill."  Conner smiled as she placed a plate in front of him, containing a charbroiled ribeye steak, his favorite food.  "You remembered!"  She blushed ever so slightly as she sat in the chair across from him.  "How could I ever forget?"

Conner cut himself a small piece and placed it into his mouth with his fork.  "Mmm...delicious.  I almost forgot how much I missed your cooking."  M'gann looked up from her own meal.  "Almost?"  "Oh, I could never forget you entirely.", he said without thinking.  Three seconds later, he realized what had come out of his mouth.  "Er, I and everyone else!"  M'gann smiled to herself at his embarrassed face.

They chatted for what felt like hours.  They talked about movies and TV and other things they enjoyed from pop culture, and were amazed to discover that they found common ground on many things.  They both loved watching old sitcoms about big families, like The Brady Bunch and Full House.  They both enjoyed going to classical music concerts and multicultural events.  And—surprise, surprise—they both still loved classic movies, baking cookies, and spending time outdoors.

Finally, Conner found his mind drawing a blank, and there was only one subject that Conner could think of talking about, a subject that he had been trying to avoid—his kids.  M'gann looked up at him.  She didn't need her physic powers to see that Conner had suddenly become very uncomfortable.  He squirmed in his seat and kept his eyes on his food.  "Is something wrong?"

He looked up at her.  She had a sad expression on, complete with big puppy-dog eyes.  He couldn't blame her.  Here they were, having a really nice time, and then he got all awkward.  "I'm sorry.  Its just...there's really nothing left for me to talk about but"  M'gann immediately perked up.  "Oh!  Well than, let's hear it!"  Conner blinked in surprise.  "Really?  You want to hear about them?"  She nodded eagerly.

The smile returned to Conner's face.  "Oh, well!  First there's Dylan, the oldest, my only boy.  He's great, loves football, model airplanes, and superheroes.  He actually started the tradition of watching the Justice League Induction every time!"  Conner didn't dare tell her of Dylan's recent behavior, nor did he want to.

"Then there's Becky, sweet little one, only six.  She's got a big imagination and stars in her eyes.  She's been a big help around the house since—"  He caught himself just in time.  "Y'know."  He continued.  "Anyways, finally, there's baby Molly, only six months.  She's as happy as a baby can be."

M'gann sighed happily.  "You know, I've always wanted to have a family of my own.  But I could never picture myself having one with any guy I've met before."  "None of them?" M'gann sipped her white wine before locking her gaze with Conner's.  "Well...there was one.  But he slipped away."  There was a momentary silence between them.

M'gann broke the air around them.  "So!  You want dessert?", she said, getting up and clearing their empty plates.  "I made your favorite—apple pie."  Conner smirked.  "With cinnamon and nutmeg sprinkled in and served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?"  M'gann smiled giddily as she came out balancing a whole apple pie in one hand and holding a tub of Ben & Jerry's in the other.  "The same."  He grinned at her from ear to ear.  "You know me so well."
After they had finished dessert and he helped her clean up, Conner looked down at his wristwatch.  "Whoa.  Ten-thirty.  I didn't realize it was so late."  "Ten-thirty is late?", M'gann asked with a chuckle.  He shrugged.  "After you become a parent, your internal clock is readjusted.  To a dad, staying out till ten-thirty in the evening to is like, staying out till four in the morning!"

"Anyway, I better start heading home.", he said, grabbing his suit jacket off a chair and heading towards the door.  M'gann scurried close behind him in her six-inch pumps.  He turned to face her as they stood in the doorway.  "Thanks for making me dinner.  I haven't had a meal like that in months."  "It was no problem.  I'd cook for you anytime, Conner."

Seconds later, a blush crept over her face as she realized what she'd just said.  Conner chuckled seeing her cheeks turned red.  He loved it when she did that.  He thought it was adorable when it happened.  "Well, I had a wonderful time."  "Thanks.  So did I."  He stood like that for a moment before he turned and began to walk down the hall without another word.

M'gann internally groaned as she closed the door behind her.  Stupid, stupid, stupid!, she thought, smacking herself on the forehead repeatedly.  She started to walk towards the bathroom to take a shower and wash off her shame when there was a knock at the door.  She spun on her heel and quickly answered it.  "Did you forget someth—"

Before she could finish that sentence, she found Conner's lips on her own, kissing her passionately as his hands moved up and down her back.  The kiss only lasted ten seconds, but it was enough to leave M'gann flustered beyond words when he pulled away.  Conner smirked amusingly at her shellshocked expression.  "See you in the Cave on Tuesday?"  She gave him a goofy smile.  "I'll be there."

He hurried back down the hall with a new spring in his step.  M'gann gently closed the door, leaned against it on her back, clasped her hands together and squealed at the top of her lungs, "YES!"  She twirled around and collapsed on her back on the sofa.  She spent the next three hours just lying there, staring up at the ceiling with a ecstatic expression.

Conner was all the way at the other side of the hall when he heard M'gann's squeal of joy.  Smiling to himself, he turned the corner feeling happier than he had in a long time.

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