The First Step

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"It is wonderful to have you back, Kon-El!", Superman said. Conner stood by the holographic computer in the Cave training room, looking over the assignments for the Team's missions for the night. He wore his old black Superman T-shirt, which still fit him perfectly, even after the multiple experiments that had altered his DNA, finally allowing him to physically age correctly. He also wore cargo jeans and leather boots.

Conner smiled up at Clark. "Its wonderful to be back. I had no idea how much I missed being on the Team." Clark groaned as he rolled his eyes. "I can't believe that you got married and didn't even invite me to the wedding!" Conner sighed, looking back at the screen. "Well, it was a pretty small affair. We just ran over to the courthouse with Buddy and Alice acting as Best Man and Maid of Honor."

Clark furrowed his brow. "Who are Buddy and Alice?" "Oh, Buddy Smith is my pal on the police force.", Conner explained. "He's my best friend in Riverdale. Alice is...well, was Summer's best friend. They taught at the local elementary school together, but ever since she left, Summer's barely sent her a few texts." He sighed. "If you don't mind, Kal, I'm trying to get Summer off my mind."

"Oh! But of course!" Clark shuffled his feet. "But first...I hear you also have kids." The smile returned to Conner's face. "Yep. Three of 'em. Dylan's the oldest, we share a lot of the same qualities. That's why he's so hard for me to handle. Than there's Becky, a lil' bundle of sunshine. She's been so helpful to me since her mom left. Last but not least is Molly, barely a year old.  She never stops smiling."

Kal sucked in his lips.  "Well, Kon...this might seem too soon...but Lois and I want to spend some time with our grandkids.  We've been planning a trip to Orlando, and now we want to make it a family trip.  Can we take you and the kids with us in two weeks to Florida?"  Conner glanced upwards for a moment, deep in thought.

Well...I have to catch up on work next month..."  Clark hung his head.  "...but you can still take the kids.", Conner finished.  "It'd be great for them to spend time with you.  Summer's parents died before Dylan was born, so they never got to experience having grandparents.  Besides, maybe the trip will get their minds off the divorce.  This will be good for them."

Clark grinned from ear to ear.  "Great!"  Conner resumed typing on the holographic screen.  "So, seeing anyone lately?"  He looked back at his father.  "What?"  "Well, its been six months since you split up with Whatsherface.  Have you started seeing other people yet?"  Conner quickly shook his head.  "Uh, no.  Not yet.  M'gann did ask me out when she found out I'm getting divorced, but I turned her down.  Its too soon."

"Too soon?  Its been half a year!  Conner, if this has anything to do with that ex-wife of yours, forget her!  She ditched you and your kids to play with some jackass in another continent!"  "Its not Summer, Kal...", Conner trailed off.

"Is it M'gann?  What happened between you and her is ancient history!  You forgave her for what she did!  You know, when you left twelve years ago, she was devastated!  In fact, half the League would bet that you're the reason she never got married!  She's crazy about you!"  "Its not her, either!", Conner retorted.  "Than what?", Clark asked.  "What is it that's keeping you from going out?  Why aren't you ready yet?"

Conner chewed on his lower lip, slowly turning to face his surrogate father, to look him in the eye.  "Its not that I'm not ready.", he said slowly, each word a struggle to choke out.  "Its just...I don't think the kids are ready."  Clark blinked twice.  "The kids?"  "I don't think they're ready to see me go out with other women.", Conner explained.  "Dylan's still hoping that Summer will come back and we'll get back together.  And even though Becky hasn't said anything, I can tell she hopes her mom will come back for us, too.  They've already been through so much lately.  I don't want to burden them anymore."

Clark was silent for what Conner felt was the longest time.  Finally, he reached out and placed a firm but loving hand on his son's shoulder.  "Kon-El...I understand.  The separation has been hard on your children, and you are afraid of how they will react seeing you move on with other people.  So you plan to wait for the right time to start dating again."  Conner smiled weakly.  "Exactly!  Thanks, Kal!  I—"

"But Conner,", Clark continued.  "The harsh reality is, it will never be the right time.  Those kids are probably going to react badly no matter what time you choose.  They'll never be ready for you to move on.  Most kids aren't.  Not until after their parents start dating again.  Its like jumping into a pool.  It seems kind of scary, and a part of you is reluctant.  Sure, you could go in bit by bit.  But the best way, is to just jump in with both feet and emerge in the water fully."

Conner blinked several times, processing this new information.  "So...what you're saying kids aren't going to be ready for me to start dating again...until I take that first step."  Clark smiled weakly, proud that his message got through.  "That's exactly what I'm saying."  He turned around and headed towards the Zeta tubes.  "I'll call you later to discuss the trip."  Recognized—Superman, B01.

Conner stood them for a minute, drinking it all in.  Just then, he heard footsteps coming towards him from the hallways.  He turned around to see M'gann walking closer.  When she realized who was in the main room of the Cave, she froze in her tracks for a moment before she quickly spun around to walk back the other way.  "M'gann!  Wait!"

Her head swiveled around to see Conner striding towards her.  "Yes, Superboy?  Do you need help with something?"  "No, no, I'm fine.", Conner said, standing before her, shoving his hands into his pockets.  "Its just...well, do you remember at Mal and Karen's party, when you asked to make me dinner sometime?"  M'gann adjusted the rest of her body to align with her head.  "Yes?"

Conner smirked at her.  "Well...any chance that offer is still on the table?"  She felt her heart soar up as the corners of her mouth turned up in a beaming smile, a smile that Conner hadn't seen in almost fifteen years.  "Yes!  Yes!  Ye—"  She regained her composure, looking down as she blushed and tucked some hairs behind her ear.  "I mean, yeah, sure."

He smiled at her.  "How does the Saturday after next sound?"  "It sounds perfect.", M'gann said, beaming.  "That's plenty of time to plan.  Just you wait!  I'm going to make all your favorite dishes!"  Taking a leap of courage, she stood on the tips of her toes and pecked him on the cheek before floating down the hall, elated.  Seeing her in such a state made Conner break out into a grin.

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