*First Impression*

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My whole life I had a fascination with stars, maybe it is because my name, Astraea, (star in Latin) but I feel a deeper connection somehow, as if I am a fallen part of them or vice-versa.
Most children are taught that stars are good luck, and that if you wish upon a falling star, your wish will come true, they will spend their nights watching for one and waiting to see a shooting star to wish for a new puppy or a Barbie.
My mother used to call me fallen star when I was younger, and tell me of a myth that if someone does anything dreadfully wrong, another star will fall and land here on earth. I always thought it was just a cliche way to make me obey, until my life changed after a mistake that I would never forget.
   I walk through the doors of Hidden View Private Academy with my skirt un-pleated and my curly hair falling over my shoulders in unruly ringlets. I know I look a hot mess, but at my school there is no one to impress.
   I tell myself that I will make this year better and strive to focus on school. A part of me knows I am lying to myself.
   Scanning the crowd of a surprisingly large group of new faces, I make my way to my group of friends. On the way there, my eyes lock onto a new boy who, although may not be a hottie, still catches my attention in some extraordinary way.  He looks up at me from the few people sitting around him who he had been trying to impress with jokes that only made them cringe, and he smiles. Even his smile is strange and awkward, yet contrarily sexy and inviting. I try my best not to return the look of acknowledgement, but the smile is contagious so I give in but quickly look away.
I know he is not my type, and my group of friends would strongly disapprove of his "rank" that I am sure they have already classified him in, but for one moment something spurs inside of me, and I think that he is the one I will break my own strict rules with. I sit down in silence among my friends and zone out their negative gossip and sip my coffee while in deep contemplation of this strange new boy.
I feel a hard jab in my side and look over to see my best friend watching me with a glare. She knows me too well for me to make up a lie, but it doesn't stop me from trying. "I know what you are thinking but you are wrong, I'm not interested." I lie taking a quick gulp of coffee to hide my "lying smile" as she calls my tell.
"Astrea, I know you are lying. We will discuss this later." She scolds with the firmness of a mother even though she is a grade below me. "And besides I am never wrong." She jokes, with another jab, this one friendly, as we share a short laugh. I roll my eyes playfully and look away as the principal steps in to make his beginning-of-the-school-year announcements.
Although I have heard this same speech year after year, I feel as though this year it is going to be different. As if some unknown phenomena is going to take place in my school, and cause everything to go astray.
As my mind begins to wander, I am pulled back into the speech by something the principal states. "This year I can feel something is going to change in some of the students' lives, although this change may be inevitable, I want you all to strive to not do anything stupid." He says bluntly, many students force a laugh and shove it aside. I can't help but linger on those words for a moment. I assure myself that this year, I will desperately try not to be one of the students he is referring to.

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