*First conversation*

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All of the high schoolers march up the stairs in a stick straight line, careful not to get sent home within a few hours of the first day. We arrive at a door which is the entrance to a hall filled with angsty teachers standing by their doors waiting for their students to file in respectfully, and reprimanding anyone who breaks code.
   The school is so small that you stay in one class throughout the day according to your grade, because they don't have enough money to pay more teachers. It is as a younger sibling who is given everything as a hand-me-down. The equipment, teachers, building and even misbehaving students all come from public schools who have no need for them anymore. Despite the unfortunate lack of efficient supplies, Hidden View is the top-ranking school in our district, and boasts a one hundred percent graduation rate.
I enter the class I am assigned with the other sophomores, and take a seat by the only other girl in the class, although we are not particularly close. I scan the faces that are already present and notice there are ten desks which means we only have one new student in our grade. I quietly hope that it will not be the mystery boy who I have made a vow to ignore at all costs.
   The teacher steps in after all students-but the new one-are in the classroom. He doesn't seem to notice the empty seat as he begins his introduction. Finally he looks at each individual student and notices. "Seems as though we have a runaway." He says calmly as he heads for the door and peaks his head out. He calls for another teacher and tells him that one of his students is missing. The clamor of a boy's dress shoes is heard running down the hall towards our class.
"Are you the sophomore teacher?" I hear someone ask breathlessly, I can't see their face to tell who it is, but I have a feeling it is the guy I was trying to avoid.
"Yes, where did you go? We can have you kicked out of the school on the first day for truancy, and don't think that we won't." The teacher sternly reprimands. "Since you are new however, you will receive another chance, now go take a seat and we will begin introductions."
The mystery boy steps through the door and his eyes scan all of the faces and lock onto mine. "Sorry, I got lost." His statement is directed to the teacher, but he is still watching me. I shudder, uncomfortably, but I hold his stare challengingly. I will not let him come to my school and make me look cowardly. My classmates snicker at his tardy entrance, but I watch acting unamused. I cannot let myself play his games if I am going to obey my own rules.
He takes his seat behind me and his smile never leaves. I can feel his eyes linger on the back of my head throughout the rest of the teacher's speech.
"Okay, now that I have introduced myself, it is your turn. Please state your name and your favorite field of study. We will begin with the new student." The teacher announces, causing a groan from the other students who have heard the same thing each year they have attended this school.
"My name is Silas. I guess I am into psychology, I like to try to make people laugh, which in a way takes some psychology." The boy sitting behind me confesses as he stands and takes his eyes off of me to address the rest of the class. Some of the guys from my class snicker and whisper accusations of him being gay.
   Silas takes a seat, but before anyone else has the chance to introduce themselves, the teacher continues talking about himself. The students continue asking him questions so he will not ask the rest of us to introduce ourselves.
   As they are talking I turn to the window and watch cars drive by on the highway. Watching cars seems so innocent and harmless, until you begin questioning where they are going, or who is inside. As a child, I would make scenarios for the faces I would see in the car windows that drove by as a game when I was sent out to play.
   I feel a tap on my shoulder as I am reminiscing and turn to face Silas. "Now that you know my name it is only fair that I learn yours." He whispers. "After all I think I deserve to know after all the strange looks I received while we were downstairs." He winks and leans forward in his seat expecting an immediate answer. Everything about him is a contradiction, he is confident and shy all at the same time as he speaks to me.
   "There is something you do deserve to know, but it isn't my name." I motion with my finger for him to lean in closer. I am not giving up my vow to ignore him so easily, so I resolve to be a mystery and off limits to him.
   He leans in closer and I whisper almost inaudibly "The world is the devil's playground, nothing is ever fair. If that frightens you, I suggest you grow up." I smile sarcastically and turn back around just in time to catch the teacher watching us.
   "Astraea Caulkins, did you have something to share? Maybe you would like to go to the detention room where you would be able to have a more private session with the new boy." My face turns red instantly but I won't let him embarrass me like this.  
   "No sir, I was just teaching him about the fairness of the system at Hidden View." I say turning to Silas with a wink. The teacher falls for it and continues his lecture.
   I expect a sarcastic comment, but instead I hear him mutter my name. I have heard it said so many times that it should sound familiar, but when he says it, my name sounds new as though it is a beautiful new language known only by him.

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