The Cheetos Packet

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"It's just that sort of thing that I was always worried about. If it wasn't my grades, it was the way I looked, and if not that, my future. Things have always sort of been stressful for me." I nodded, understanding Flynn's problem and then taking a sip of my beer. We had walked from my home to the beachfront, grabbing two beers and some Cheetos on the way. The big, orange packet sat in between us, open and ready to be devoured.

"I get grades, I mean everyone is worried about those, but why your looks?" It was a genuine question. I mean he hardly looked distasteful. He had those high cheekbones and brilliant eyes that did leave you a bit stunned every time you looked into them. And it wasn't that his physique was any less. He had that lean, muscular look going, added by the harsh, beautiful lines of his face.

"I had really gorgeous sisters and my mom never failed to mention how much better they were than me. I was a pudgy kid who ate too much rice in her eyes." He scoffed sardonically and greedily gulped at his beer as if swallowing the memories of years past.

Maybe it was the gentle thrum of alcohol in my veins pushing me on, but I said, "Well, I seem to think you look quite good." I greatly regretted it as soon as I said it, but I kept my composure.

" actually think that?" He paused and looked at me. I continued to nod vigorously. He laughed and shook his head. I munched on some Cheetos as I looked at him. He was picking at his hoodie sleeve and not making eye contact. For some weird reason, I felt a slow thrum growing in the pit of my stomach; I thought it was horribly cute that he was shy now.

"You know; you shouldn't be worried about things like that. Beauty can be easily replaced but it's the memories and thoughts of people that count. I mean, you can spend a lot of time with a person who looks extravagant, but that person will never compare to a person who you truly admire, not only because of their face but because of their brain." I proceed to point at my head at the end of my grand monolog. He brings the bottle to his lips but does not take a sip from it, smiles, and claps as I finish talking.

"Where were you all through my high school years?" I laugh and make a cheesy comment about how I was waiting for him in the cold corner that was Tahoe.

"My culture propagates insecurity. There is the entire Korean beauty industry that thrives off this problem. It's considered brilliant if you have gotten work done on your face," I feel a shiver flow down my spine as he says that, "It's given to children as a birthday gift." He groans in disgust as he says those words.

"I think...I think more Koreans need to come to Tahoe and have a discussion with me." I say mockingly. But he beams kindly and nods 'yes'.

We sit in silence for a few moments. I bring my knees closer to my chest and hug them. I plop the beer bottle down and grab a few Cheetos.

"Why are you out of bed at this hour, Leia?" He asks seriously, suddenly. For a few moments, I merely blink and look at him. Well, I was out of bed because he asked me.

"I mean, you asked me," I say matter-of-factly. He grimaces and shakes his hand in front of his face.

"No, no. But that's the thing, you could have denied. But you came; why?" I am truly taken aback in that moment and wonder for a few moments, willing my memory to help me figure out why I had decided to spend my night time with him.

"I thought you wanted to talk to me about something that was on your mind." I sink my toes into the cold sand and wait for his response.

"Yeah, I did." He moves the Cheetos packet from between us and puts it on his lap and moves closer to me.

"But you see, I also hit you in the face with a rock." He adds and smiles as he notices my growing discomfort. I didn't like his stripping gaze so I looked at the wide, deep lake.

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