The Sleepover

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It had been a week since the hilarious cotton candy incident, which had passed in a flurry of wedding dress try-ons, late night scrabble games, watching re-runs of family movies with dad, wedding site inspection on my part, and a whole lot of tiredness and sore backs. This morning, my back was particularly sore, and I grumbled as I walked down the stairs. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and spotted my dad out on the back porch, casually sitting on the rusted swing.

I made my way outside with the bowl in hand and sat down beside him. I asked him why he was up so early and he had pointed to Jen and Chris trying various yoga poses.

"Your leg shouldn't be shaking, Jen." Chris said worriedly as he steadied himself while trying to steady her.

"But my core muscles aren't working." Jen had crumpled and fallen flat on her face while trying to flex her abs. Chris had laughed for a solid minute before Jen got up and punched him.

"They look happy," I said as I munched on my fruit loops. Dad smiled and he placed his hand casually on the backrest of the swing.

"They remind me of your mom and me." I was shocked that Jen had managed to find a guy that dad saw himself in. I always assumed she would find one of those hardcore, rock music playing, druggies, who would eventually leave her. She just seemed like the type who would make the wrong choice.

"I think they are made for each other." I said finishing my bowl of cereal. 

"So do you," He said, looking back at me. I merely assumed he meant I looked happy because I finished my cereal. But my brain said that he was aiming towards Flynn and not colorful, rainbow colored, loops.

"Yeah," I chuckled nervously and wanted to leave the porch suddenly.

"He seems like a good kid," Dad said. I nodded and focused my attention back on the couple struggling to perform basic yoga poses in the backyard.

"Chris, I'm going to fall if you make me laugh," Jen said tittering as she tried to focus and balance herself.

He said something quite funny because the next moment Jen was crumpled on the floor, laughing and holding her stomach. I found myself smiling unconsciously.

"Are you okay, now that you're back home?" I ask dad, as I try to maintain a conversation. We had never had this problem before, not at the hospital, not ever. But suddenly, having him home, just made things a bit hard for me. I don't know why.

"I am. I missed being here. Things haven't changed much, and I like being able to talk to mom. I missed Jen and you the most. I was happy that you came to see me so often." He said, shaking his pepper hair and bringing his extended arm towards him. I nodded understandingly and was going to say something when he merely added, "I'm going to paint today, after a long time." I tried to form a coherent sentence but failed. I was happy, then, when my mom walked in with her blue, satin nightgown and took my place on the swing.

I ran into the shower and shut my eyes. Things were going back to how they were, but it was just that everything had changed so much, normal was an illusion. I knew that things wouldn't last like this very long, and it was going to be two times harder letting it go. I had a head bath and then walked into my room, smelling of honey, lavender and strawberries, an odd group of scents.

I put on the best, comfortable clothes I could find: my dark black jeans, and a white sweatshirt. I began drying my hair, and in fifteen minutes I was ready. Since, today was the day I had a break, both from the shelter and my family, I decided to visit Flynn.

I texted him that I was coming to his house and got into the car.


I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for him to open the door. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I had decided to leave my hair as it wasn't completely dry. It felt nice. It had grown longer and now the ends grazed my collarbones.

He opened the door and I was amused to find that both of our outfits were the same, white sweatshirt and black pants.

"Maybe we've been hanging out too much with each other because now we even dress like each other." He said, looking me up and down and raising his eyebrows. He leaned away from the door and let me enter.

"I just found BBC Earth 2 online and I was planning on just watching it the entire day, do you want to join me?" He asked, rushing to the kitchen. I heard his voice over the incessant 'pop' sounds of the popcorn kernels. I had shouted 'sure' over the sound and settled on the couch.

He came out with two cans of soda, a huge tub of popcorn, and we had sat down in front of the TV.

The documentary started with a feature of islands and I was thoroughly engrossed. Some of the parts were disgusting but the point which had irked my upchuck reflexes was the snakes feeding on the baby iguanas. I had wanted to vomit all the popcorn I had munched on right there. Flynn had then merely placed his hands on my eyes saying that he would remove his hands once the scene was over. I had passed those fifteen minutes hearing his voice scream 'yuck' or 'yes, go baby iguana' and his heartbeat. I almost fell asleep but I was suddenly exposed to the real world when he lifted his hand off my eyes.


The latter half of the afternoon was spent in Flynn taking me out for Korean Barbeque. This was my first time and he intended to give the 'full, immersive experience of a Korean restaurant.' I had enjoyed the meal so much I had pressured him into taking me there for dinner as well. However, he had wanted to eat pizza, which was both cheaper and easily ordered online. I had been grumpy but allowed him to order a cheese pizza for both of us.

We settled in front of the TV, this time watching a Korean drama called Weightlifting Fairy. I had loved the first episode so much I had settled into Flynn's chest as he put on the second one. He was looking at me as I looked at the screen. I could feel his incessant gaze on me but I was too engrossed to turn toward him.

"I really appreciate how you're watching Korean dramas with me, Leia." He whispered in my ear and moved away. I turned toward him and smiled.

"I needed a day like this." I held his hand and squeezed it.

"Do you want to have a sleepover?" He asked excitedly.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I'm serious." He pouted and linked are our arms together. I kept looking at the TV screen, paying more attention to the characters.

"We can have waffles, and build a fort, and do all kinds of fun stuff." I was so stunned by the simplicity of the offer that I let out a short laugh.

I turned toward him, then, and pulled him by his sweater collar till he was inches away from my face. "Flynn, you're never going to cease to amaze me."

"Is that a yes?"

"You had me at waffles." 

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