Mental Scar

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Tyler POV

"Tyler don't die, wake up!" Someone shouted. It feels like I got hit by a flaming car. I opened my eyes to blurry surroundings. I was still in the forest is what I could tell. A black spot was moving in front of my face. "Tyler, hey! I can't carry you I only have paws,"

"Midnight?" I rasped.

"Oh thank goodness, can you stand?" I shifted, very painfully. The immense pain was everywhere, it was hard to tell where I was even hurt at.

"I can, but I think I shouldn't,"

"Great, I didn't want to do this," she mumbled.

"Midnight! Did you find him?" Kris shouted. Leaning my head, Ike was limping on her shoulder smoking as well. How did he get hit with something? Adara has not been herself lately but who was that and where is she?

"Yeah but he can't move,"

"That means we need hands not paws,"

"I know I know." She changed into a large girl with short black hair and cat ears. She was wearing a white and black skirt with a black shirt that had a silver claw mark on it. No shoes, and a paw print on her cheek. She had blue eyes that still looked like cat eyes.

"Whoa." She smiled, then lifted me up with barely any effort. "You're surprisingly strong,"

"You humans don't understand our kind, you guys are actually very weak." She helped me limp on. It hurt to move, mostly my midsection. I grunted and she eased her grip. "Sorry,"

"I'm ok, let's go." I passed out soon after and she threw me over her shoulder. 

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My eyes flickered open, looked like little time passed. The sky was exactly the same as before. The chill summer breeze helped cool down my scorched body. The clouds were still puffy and big, almost like the sky didn't care about what happened today. Then again, it is a beautiful day. Not for all this death however.

"Oh great! Kris he's awake," Midnight shouted. I was bandaged up a bit. Felt a little better than before. Kris slid to my side.

"Tyler I was beginning to think you were dead." Then Adara came to mind. That guy, where is she? I don't remember much of what happened but she just froze when she saw him. She can just do the dumbest things durning battle sometimes, but she almost killed me so I should be happy to be alive.

"Where's Adara?"

"She retreated with others, I'm sure she's fine." I nodded, then remembered what she did. I never knew she could do that. It was like a fire charge, made out of light. She's never done that before, she's holding back a lot of energy. In the distance was her blue smoke again, it was a lot thicker than before but at least it goes off like a beacon. She must be hurt or something.

"There." Everyone turned towards it. It looked very recent like she's standing there now. Why is she burning the forest? She's probably with Niki now that I really think about it.

"That might be Adara," Kris said.

"Niki probably made her mad again," Midnight added.

"Let's get going, we don't want to be here when it gets bad," Ike insisted while holding his side.

"How are you holding up?" I asked him.

"Getting blindsided by one of her fireballs, makes me glad she's on our side," He chuckled, I smiled in return.

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