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*Diana time to wake up,* Niki said. I rolled over in bed, then remembered why I'm waking up early. No one was up yet, even Amethyst was sleeping soundly.

*Don't call me that.* I grunted.

*Oh, sorry.* I got ready quickly, I had on some ripped jean shorts with a blue and green flannel on. I rolled up the sleeves and tied up my green converses. Then grabbed my bags and quietly slipped out the door. I left a note on my pillow so they don't worry. Then again, I don't know how long I'll be gone. I met my team in front of the mess hall, early. There was a slight fog as the sun started to rise. Fresh dew on the grass everywhere was making my socks and ankles wet.

"Mornin captain," Shawn greeted with a lazy salute. I smiled and shook my head.

"We should get going, I know a few people that like to get up early." I insisted, one of them caught me now.

"Where are you going?" Midnight asked. Her hand on my shoulder, hand? Turning around to see a girl taller than me with cat ears.

"Midnight? Hey, I finally get to see your human form,"

"Not answering my question, where are you going?"

"Hiking, be back later."

"With all your clothes and bags?" She looked at me. Everyone started shuffling towards the forest when I gave a hand signal. "You're acting shady, what's going on?"

"I'll be back at the end of the day,"

"Someone new and evil is after you, the last thing we need is for you to be kidnapped again."

"I can take care of myself Midnight." The sun was rising more, I'm getting off my timetable. *Naomi! I need a quick knock out.* Sorry, not sorry Midnight.

*Got it.* Midnight started to stagger.

"Hey what is... what are you.." She fainted and I quickly laid her on the ground. Then knocked on the mess hall doors, hearing someone slowly walking to the door. I sprinted into the forest.

"That was close," Pam sighed. We walked on, now we just need to get to the nearest highway. Then I can figure it out from there.

"When will we be back?" Naomi asked with worry. Everyone waited for my response.

"I'm not sure when, but we'll be back,"

"I'm surprised on how we all took the news about being government assassins," Shawn said.

"Yeah, we all kinda just soaked it in and accepted it," Pam added. I thought about it, yeah we did. I am just furious on how I can be used as a killing slave. My anger is targeted at the Director so I'll handle it there.

"What are we going to do when we see him?" Naomi asked. Very harsh things.

"Still thinking about it, we just need to stop him from doing this to anyone else." Everyone nodded, Pam went quiet again.

"We're not going to kill anyone again, are we?" She whimpered.

"Only people who are trying to kill us," I said quickly.

"Understandable," Shawn said.

"Maybe the Commander," Jazz said, I don't want to for some reason. I stayed quiet as they talked about it, as angry as I am I just don't think I could do that to him. My firewall came up, Naomi can't get through this either. Suppose Niki saw I didn't want her invading my thoughts. However ever since it came down earlier this summer, it has been on and off. I really wonder what the problem is. My thoughts strayed from their current conversation. I want to kill the Director, I really do after all he did to us. I got so trapped in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was walking right into the road. Shawn grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out the way of a car. I fell back on my butt on top of Shawn.

The Earth's Secret II: Light FireWhere stories live. Discover now