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Weeks passed, soon it was the end of July when the team finally get a plan into action. The hotel did not really notice how long they actually stayed in their room. Shawn was taking charge, channeling his worry into action. Also hearing from the camp of how close Tyler was getting to another girl. He quickly finalized the plans and everyone knew exactly what they needed to do. They drove back to the base where she was held. Jazz got out of the car, in a area he was not well seen and froze over the ocean. The ice went so deep that he froze around the base itself making everything inside start to freeze and shut down power. Naomi, Pam, and Shawn already made their way inside. The power was shutting down, Pam was knocking out all the security cameras before they were seen while keeping Naomi and Shawn warm. Shawn kept them cloaked and killed passing by guards trying to arrest them. Naomi was tracking Adara, who was faintly giving out the directions to her location. There were no alarms and halls were dead silent, the echo of soldier footsteps came around once in awhile but abruptly stopped when Shawn got to them. Then they reached a dark and cold restrictive area, ice was on the doors and the area was moist making it hard for fire to be lit. Shawn destroyed the door to see Adara chained up more tightly than before. She had a chain around her torso and neck. Her arms were outstretched to both sides of the walls and her legs were tightly chained together as she sat on her knees. Her head was bowed, she was in a white tank top and grey sweatpants.

"You call that well taken care of?" Shawn joked as he tore off the chains. A grin appeared on her face as the last of the chains fell off. She shivered violently when she was finally free, falling forward into his arms.

"What took you so long?" She rasped playfully. Her unused voice lifting the mood up more. Shawn carried her out the room, she soon fell asleep. They retraced their steps, all the way back up top and speeded away. Jazz was driving, Naomi sat in the front, Adara was still sleeping in the back.

"Yay we did it!" Pam cheered. They all celebrated, Midnight snuggled next to Adara's head with worry.

"Is she ok?" She asked. Pam turned around and checked on her. Then her face started to frown with unease.

"Her body temperature is really low, she just needs to warm up quickly." Yasmin turned around in the back and pressed on her head. She caught fire but didn't burn anything.

"Don't turn it on now, how is she going to get inside?" Jazz asked.

"Right," Yasmin said and turned it off. When they got to the hotel, Shawn quickly picked her back up and they went straight to the room. Catching odd glances from the hotel staff and bystanders. They all sighed as soon as they go to the room, Midnight and Yasmin turning back into their animal forms.

"We'll we did it," Jazz repeated.

"Now we can call everyone," Shawn said while stretching. Back at the camp everyone was worried. Especially Kris and Amethyst seeing how long it's been. When Amethyst got the call, it was from Adara's phone. She quickly brought everyone together ecstatically.

"Hey guys!" She shouted, then quickly frowned not seeing Adara.

"Where is Adara?" Kris asked. Shawn moved the camera over to the bed, they smiled seeing her sleeping there. "Finally, when are you guys leaving?"

"We'll be there in two hours." Pam cheered. The girls went to grab their things as Kris went to go spread the word.

"How's the Tyler situation?" Shawn asked. Ike shook his head as the twins shifted uneasily.

"So his new girl?"

"Has no idea what's going on," Ike said.

"Will things really go back to normal?" Andrew asked. Anthony shrugged, Ike sighed.

The Earth's Secret II: Light FireWhere stories live. Discover now