The Shadow of the Moon

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These past few hundred years have passed by so slowly I can almost feel time as it trickles through my aging bones. It seems that the more time one has the slower it goes. As I stand in the softly lit Seal room and watch the brightly coloured blooms of dargonglphys rising and falling like waves in the valley far below me my hand weighs the battered old  journal that accompanied me everywhere during my youth.

I do not have to open it to know what secrets its weathered pages hold, for its contents, crafted by me many decades ago still remain as fresh in my thoughts as if but ten years since.

I am in two minds as to open its doors for fear of what emotions its words will carry to me. The sadness when I read of my adventures with my dearest friend Commander Waite-Kidd, now long since dead, or of the troubles I had with the irascible Nape and his sweet girlfriend Saffi. It's hard to suppress a smile when I am reminded of the laughing assassin, come priest, Father Rytt or the bizarre encounter with the unhinged Old Man of the Mountains at his derelict fortress on the planet of Alamut.

And lastly of Lydia and her God, the Nergalrhod. They will always be with me.

Memories all, that I will hold close to my heart forever.

I weigh the tome in my hand and then resolve to re-enter the days of my youth just one more time. I lay it on the table, pull my cloak close to stave off the evening chill and open its covers.

It is an extraordinary story.


The Shadow of the Moon-Lydia's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now