Chapter Fifteen

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Father Rytt swung open the airlock door and stood by to let them pass. 'Follow my directions closely Faulke, the planet is dangerous to land on. It's not just the locals that will give you a hostile reception, the weather conditions make the decent treacherous. The planet's surface is littered with the wrecks of old star ships that floundered on the approach.' 

'I'll be careful,' Faulke checked he had the details. 'It might have been easier if you hadn't disabled some of our systems.' 

'Orders from below I'm afraid.' Father Rytt stood with his chubby hands hanging loosely by his waist like a little boy watching his toy boat taken by the wind. 'Well this is it I suppose.' 

Despite knowing who he was it was difficult for Lydia not to see he was worried about them. She threw her arms round his stubby frame and gave him a brief hug. 'We'll be all right Father, don't worry. In no time we'll be back.' 

'I wish I could be as confident as you Lydia,' the Priest returned the hug then turned to Faulke. 'Land as close to the fortress as you are able, keep to the high ground away from the desert surface. I hear there is a good spot at the end of the viaduct.' His voice echoed in the chamber as he swung the airlock door to. 'Take care.' 

As they climbed through the door to the splinter ship Lydia looked back, through the panel of the Alamut ships door see could see the pensive face of the priest. He gave her a single wave and mouthed the words 'good luck,' then turned away.  

From space Alamut appeared to be a planet riven by raging storms, giant burnt orange ripples of colour interspersed with streams of liquid reds ran like molten glass through its atmosphere. The clouds glimmered eerily as flashes of lightening ran like flicking tongues of fire through the swirling mass. Directly below a giant eye was forming, the centre of a mammoth tornado moving slowly along the planets axis drawing up into it vast plumes of debris from the surface. 

Lydia pulled her seat forward so her head was close to Faulke's. 'We are going to land in that?' 

'According to your little friend it's safe if we stick to his instructions.' 

'How's he my little friend?' 

Faulke looked sideways at her and chucked, 'He liked you Lydia, don't be coy. And I meant to ask you, what did the seer V'ereel say to you?' 

'Something odd, something I didn't expect her to say.' Reflected Lydia. 'Perhaps the Nergalrhod watches over us Faulke, maybe we will be alright.' 

'Well I hope she's got good eyesight, here we go.' Faulke threw the ship down into the storm.  

They entered the violent maelstrom, the tumultuous clouds rising up around them. The ship juddered, bounced, creaked and groaned. Then they were suddenly enveloped by the noise of thousands of pebbles carried by the storm, hammering on the hull of the ship. Lydia looked up, the Alamut ship had disappeared from view, cut off by the debris of stones and sand whirling around them. The noise in the little cockpit rose to deafening proportions.  

'God forbid we go down in this!' Faulke shouted wresting with the ships controls. 

'We'll never get there!' Lydia yelled back.' How can you ever find anything in this?'  

Faulke pushed the bucking craft on. Lydia could feel they were descending fast. How did Faulke know where the surface was, surely they would just crash into it like the other ships Rytt spoke of? She covered her ears and closed her eyes in an attempt to further shut out the noise. Suddenly the ship went quiet. She opened her eyes. 

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