Part One

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Eyes stare out of frosted windows

Snowflakes dance in the howling wind

Charcoal black street stretches on forever

No one in sight

Nose red from the chilly wind

We are in a giant freezer

Smiles painted on our faces

Vacation is near

Through the frosted window

I see a car wavering back and forth like a drunken person

The shadow of the car approaches

And dad doesn't notice

Until it is too late

We lurch forward in the seat like a rollercoaster

The rail holding us back from death

It breaks

And then all support is gone

Screams, blood, tears

Mom is gone

She was the closest

To the abyss below us

Windows shatter into billions of shards

My heart shatters into more

The wind howls in despair

Why does love hurt

Sounds of sirens

Clash of handcuffs

Cries of brother

Hand in hand, we fall into blackness

Lost connection

From the world

Snow stained scarlet

We lay in peace

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