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My name is Aredhel, or that's how I shall be known to you. I'm 18 years of age and I live in the U.K.

I suffer from Aspergers which is a form of Autism, I am high-functioning. This means I don't usually understand social cues, I am sensitive to sounds,smells,touch and taste. I appear to lack empathy often and I'm generally strange.

I left school to be homeschooled at the beginning of Year 9 due to bullying but went back for my 10th and 11th year. This did not go well and I ended up skipping many days to stay at home as I was alone and even more socially awkward due to my Autism and speech impediment (I stammer). As I became more and more secluded I became depressed, This has stayed with me. I often suffer from heavy feelings of regret due to my lack of education which has impacted me greatly.

During the later months of 2015 I decided to do some self discovery. I wanted to find out who I was, as was normal for any 16yr old. I was enraptured in Fan fiction and had been for quite some time, Shipping YouTube's and such. Venturing into the LGBTQIA+ side of Wattpad I found a multitude of interesting fics. Submerging myself and not reemerging for hours on end I found myself questioning my sexuality and identity. Sexuality was the easy part, I don't see gender. I defined myself as Pansexual. Gender identity was harder. I'm biologically female but I could relate to particular Trans characters in my books. I didn't feel comfortable in my body, I had no desire for any type of sexual contact involving myself and I did exhibit some 'traits' or so I was adamant I saw. I was looking for change and I found it, I convinced myself wholeheartedly I was Transgender. The mind is VERY powerful and enough suggestion can leave a person influenced. I've convinced myself of many things such as embarrassing memories being false to the point I'm not sure if they are real. I'm in no way saying any Trans person has convinced themselves as I did. My mind is a mystery.

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My mind is a very dark place, some things will likely be triggering or disturbing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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