Forced Marriage (Zane x Reader)

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Takes place in Minecraft Diaries within the first season

(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)= Last Name
(H/C)= Hair Color
(E/C)= Eye Color
(F/C)= Favorite Color
(V/N)= Village Name
(F/N)= Father's Name
(M/N)= Mother's Name


   Marriage was the last thing (Y/N) wanted to do. Especially to someone she didn't even know. "It's not right, it's just not right," (Y/N) repeatedly said to herself. "Why can't a girl just get a say in who she marries?" she asks herself. She stared into the water of the lake near the village. The lord of (V/N), (F/N), or (Y/N)'s father, wanted to ensure the safety of (V/N). To do so, he went to the lord of O'khasis. At this point O'khasis had been powerful, almost too powerful. While (F/N) was there, he made an arrangement for marriage. (Y/N) was going to marry one of the Ro'meave boys.

   (Y/N) picked up a small, flat rock, and threw it across the water. It bounced a few time, then sunk. She was supposed to leave the next day to O'khasis. The sun was already setting and she still needed to pack. Groaning, she got up and walked to the mansion-like building, which she called 'home.' The (F/C) walls in her room seemed to be a bit faded. (Y/N) took her time packing, knowing she could only take a limited amount of her possessions to O'khasis with her.

   By the time (Y/N) was done packing, it was late at night. Her eyelids felt heavy as she laid on her bed. Within minutes she in a deep, dreamless sleep.

   The sunlight was streaming through the window in (Y/N)'s room, hitting the (H/C) haired girl in the face. (M/N)'s cheerful voice came from the hall.

   "(Y/N), darling, get up. You'll miss the boat!" she said. (Y/N) groaned in response. Getting up, (Y/N) looked outside. The sky was blue with barely and clouds. Everything seemed cheerful, but (Y/N) didn't. She changed into a (F/C) shirt and black pants, and walked downstairs. Her breakfast was sitting on the table in the dinning room. After she ate, (Y/N) walked upstairs and grabbed the bag that held all of the things she was taking.

  "There you are. Come on (Y/N), it's time to go," (F/N) says. (Y/N) nods in response. They leave to the boat on the beach on the outskirts of (V/N).

   "Do... Do I have to marry into the Ro'meave family?" (Y/N) asks quietly. (F/N) looks at her.

   "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I know you don't want to do this, but for the safety of (V/N), yes. Yes, you need to," he replies. (Y/N) lets out a shaky sigh. The boat ride was going to be extremely long.

~Le time-skip~

   Two days later, they finally reached O'khasis. (Y/N) wore a (F/C) dress, even though she hated dressing fancy. The lord and one of his sons stood waiting for them on the ship port. His son had black hair and looked annoyed. It seemed he didn't want to be there almost as much as (Y/N) did. She stood by her father, facing the black haired male. Her face showing not expression at all.

   "Nice to see you again, Garte," (F/N) says.

   "Same to you, (F/N)." The man, (Y/N) figured to be Garte, turned to her. "You must me (Y/N). I'm sure you'll love it here!" (Y/N) quickly nods, not wanting to say anything. She was told the marriage wasn't for another few months to give her some time to get familiar with her surroundings and the man she was to marry. Every time the marriage was mentioned, (Y/N) would get a cold glare from the black haired male.

   (Y/N)'s father was going to stay in O'khasis for a while, until it was truly necessary for him to go back. They walked to the small castle where (Y/N) and (F/N) would be staying. A small welcoming party was later that afternoon, and there was extra time before. (Y/N) was taken to her temporary room. She sat on the edge of the bed staring at the things in the room. Soft footsteps were heard walking into the room she was in. Her head snapped to face whoever it was. The black haired male stood there with his arms crossed.

   "Just because we are to get married, doesn't mean anything. Don't get in the way of the things I do and you will be perfectly fine here," he said.

  "Wow, warm welcome I see," (Y/N) retorts.

   "Don't get cocky, either," he replies. He starts to walk away.

   "What's your name anyways?" (Y/N) asks. He stops for a moment.

   "Zane," he replies simply, walking away. (Y/N) rolls her eyes, and starts getting ready for the party.

~Another time-skip~

   The party was very elegant. (Y/N) thought it was going to be a small party, but I seemed a lot bigger. Many people wanted to meet her, asking her how she liked it in O'khasis. They asked her about the wedding and many other things. After a while of answering the questions, (Y/N) got a bit overwhelmed. She managed to escape to the roof. Thinking she was the only one there, she sat down on the edge.

   A voice came from behind her. "What made you escape from the party?"

   She turned around. Zane is standing there. "Too many questions. The people get annoying after a while."

   He sat by her, "They'll get worse..."

   "I sincerely hope not."

   Not wanting to go back to the party, the two sat on the roof for the rest of the night. (Y/N) closed her eyes, for a few minutes. She ended up falling asleep with her head on Zane's shoulder.

~Time-skip two months~

   Early in the morning (Y/N) awoke. A yawn escaped her mouth as she got out of the bed. Still in her pajamas, she walked to the balcony that was connected to her room. (Y/N) watched the town for a while. She felt a presence beside her, but she knew who it was.

  "Good morning, Zane," she said.

   "Good morning," Zane replies. (Y/N) blushes a bit. She had grown a liking to the black haired male. By the way Zane had been acting lately, he had grown a liking towards her too. They stood there in silence for a few minutes, until (Y/N) spoke.

   "I'm going to get breakfast," she says quietly. She starts to walk off, when Zane grabs her wrist. She's pulled to him, and he puts his chin on her head. "Come on, Zane. I'm hungry, so let me go," she says to him.

   "Breakfast can wait," he says.

   "Fine," (Y/N) replies. She nuzzles her face in his chest.

   "I never thought I would ever say this the day I met you, but (Y/N), I love you," Zane said, a dark blush on his cheeks.

   "I love you too, Zane," (Y/N) replied with a smile. He puts his hand under her chin and lifts her head to face his. After Zane slides his mask down, and he kisses (Y/N).


   It was the day of the wedding, and (Y/N) was nervous. She was in her dress and her makeup was already done. Zianna and (M/N) were talking in the corner and her bridesmaids were in a circle gossiping. Over the few months of being in O'khasis, she had grown to love Zane truly. The ceremony was about to begin. The bridesmaids giggled as they started to walk down the isle. (Y/N) met her father in the corridor. He smiles at her and she smiles back. The traditional wedding music starts to play. They walk down the isle, and (F/N) steps away when (Y/N) reaches the front. She stands across from Zane and smiles. The preacher starts his speech. Zane looks at (Y/N), and she looks back.

   "Please say your vows," the preacher says. They both say what they needed to say and the wedding goes on. "Do you, Zane Ro'meave, take (Y/N) (L/N) as your lawfully wedded wife?"

   "I do," Zane says slipping the golden ring onto (Y/N)'s finger.

   "And do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take Zane Ro'meave as your lawfully wedded husband?"

   "I do," (Y/N) says as she slips the ring on Zane's finger.

   The preacher goes on. "Then I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

   Zane moves (Y/N)'s veil, and kisses her. Little did they know when they first met, that they would end up loving each other truly. She knew of all the corrupted things he had done, but she still loved him.


(A/N) My friend said she enjoyed forced marriage. Sorry if Zane is OOC. I think this may be one of my longest oneshots. Okay, I'm going to stop rambling and go watch Sonic X like a eight year old now. I made a big error in this. Thank you to the people who caught it. Author~Chan Out! x3

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