Chapter 1 moving

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"Mom why do we have to leave ?" Alexia screamed at her mother from her bedroom. She was told the day before that they were leaving New York to go to a small town in California because her dad got work there .

Alexia loved life in New York she had friends there from high school and her best friend Natalie . She had all she wanted but her parents just didnt understand . They told her to stop being a drama queen and move on with her life ,but life wasn't always that simple .

While alexia was thinking about her past she felt a sudden pain and a tear slipped from her eye. She let it fall. This tear was because even though she was kind and caring people still called her Names and hated here for no reason . Some also bullied her . They found her an easy target because she was self concious and caring . She grew stronger than she was but she still cared .

All of a sudden her older brother Justin came through her door smirking "so you ready to move to Cali " he said with a smile "why do you look so happy about moving I thought you loved it here "
"I do but I here the girls there are quiet the catch" *wink*
Alexia made a 'disgusted face'
Why would her brother bring that part up ?

"Alexia , Justin lets go already " her mother screamed from the top of her lungs "coming " they said in unison

As they got into the car alexia felt very tired . She began to fall asleep.

She felt the car stop an knew she must be here . She opened her eyes to see a huge mansion of a house . Was this theirs she asked herself . As she got out of the car she heard laughing in her neighbours house . She Loved children and on que a little boy about five and a girl about 6 ran out laughing as they chased eachother . Rid brought a huge smile to Alexias face .

She was brought out of her dase when her mother called her to come inside and. Unpack . As she stood in the door of the house she stared In awe . The house was beautiful . It had a tall ceiling. The walls were painted cream and a huge chandler lit the hallway up. The staircase led to the second flour of the house . It was painted white with gold designs of flowers on it .
She was in heaven . Her brother saw her staring and screamed in her ear which made her flinch . She slapped him playfully on the arm and went upstairs to find her bedroom.

As she reached the top of the stairs there were many doors she went to a room at the end of the hall and opened the door . This room was painted light blue and the ceiling was white . She loved light blue so decided this one was going to be her bedroom . She unpacked her bag and put her clothes away in her closet .

When she had everything sorted her mother called her for lunch. She ordered cheese pizza as they had no food in the house yet .
It was delicious . She had just. Been here a few hours and she already loved it . She lay on her bed and began to sleep .

Authors note: sorry guys if this is lame or sucks . It's my first time writing so yeah

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