Day four

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There was no work for Lon'qu on Sundays. Neither were Mondays considered working days for him so he gladly had two days off from the tiresome amount of teens who entered the coffee shop not fully because they enjoyed it but mostly for the fact that it was were their friends went and do on. Adults came in too, but a teenager was far more frequent. 

The taller male spent his two days off either at the gym, or at the Dojo, depending on the day. Since it was Sunday, he had plans specifically for the gym and would be there for at least two hours doing his usual business. 

All this aside, it was still early morning and Lon'qu was currently stationed at his apartment porch, feet propped up on a foot stool, eating cereal for breakfast. He chose this spot to eat because as he ate he had front row seats to the sun rising over the cities horizon. He enjoyed the view, watching the sky slowly streak with pinks and reds, a paint brush laying smooth strokes over the blue sky with a peach color. 

Besides him was a cup of tea, only because Robin had insisted he drink tea with his breakfast and he did it to simply shut the young woman up. He enjoyed that too. 

Drinking breakfast tea while the sun rises has to be one of the most relaxing past times an individual can have. At least he thought so anyways. 

After breakfast he changed into jogging clothes, planning to have a morning jog, as this was part of his usual activities, and ventured on word. 

His dog was sound asleep on the couch, something he was glad for because he did not feel like walking the husky just yet. He wanted some unwinding time first. 

However, he did make sure she had food and water first before leaving. He wasn't going to neglect her while he was out of course. 

When he finally made it out the door, he began his jogging. He usually went around the block and to the park some ways down before turning around, and it's what he did today as well. Sweat streaked over his brow, he chose to ignore it, pushing himself farther as his heart hammered against his chest. He breathed in and out, taking slow steady breaths despite wanting to pant. He kept himself calm. 


He stumbled in his steps, looking around to see where that scream came from. He looked over to his left, the location of the street Park, and wanted to scream himself, but not so girlishly. 

Gaius, the new Starbucks usual, stood on top of a bench, kicking at something on the bench seating area. His face was flushed and he looked both horrified and disgusted. His eyes landed on Lon'qu, they began to fill with pleading. 

"Oh Lon'qu, thank the gods you're here, there's a bug coming after me!" he cried out.

Lon'qu blinked. He made a few advancing steps and stopped, looking down at the innocent bug that happened to have been minding it's own business before the red head came along, screeching about. 

"Yes, it's a Ladybug."

"I don't care! Save me, kill it!" 

Instead of killing it, he scooped the insect into his large hand, holding it up to the teen, "it won't hurt you Gaius. It's a ladybug.. did you not ever play with bugs when you were little?" 

"What? No! Why would i?" He huffed, scooting back and away from Lon'qu and his ladybug friend. 

He used his free hand, taking Gaius' smaller hand into it, keeping him still. Gaius flushed, but didn't comment any further. 

"Gaius, it's OK. It's just a ladybug." He repeated, gently placing it onto his cheek. 

His thumb grazed over the soft skin, staying longer than necessary as Lon'qus fingers memorized the texture of that skin. He was so soft.  

He took in shaky breaths, the bug crawling up his face before opening it's wings and fluttering off. Gaius looked pale from the encounter, his hand had been holding the others tightly for what seemed like ages. 

"See, it wasn't so bad." he muttered. 

"Wasn't so bad? It could have eaten my face off!" Gaius pouted. 

"But it did not. Correct?" Lon'qus thumb rubbed into his knuckles soothingly. 

"Yeah ok, so it didn't. But it could have!"

"But it didn't. " he smiled, it was small, but the ginger noticed it. 

"Well, at least you were here to rescue me huh." He wiggles his eyebrows at the other, squeezing his hand. Gaius was enjoying the touch just as much as Lon'qu was. 

"I didn't rescue you from anything. I just put a bug on you." He looked out, the sun was decently so up now. He should probably be getting home to walk the dog. 

"Whatever, torture is hot if it's from you." He winked. 

He flushed, finally pulling his hand away. "No." he said, turning and walking away. He stopped a few feet from the grinning sweet fiend before turning half way, "Be careful of any more bugs." 

He snorted and waved him a goodbye, blowing a kiss. 

Lon'qu secretly wished it was the real thing. ‎

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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