Chapter 1

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Dear Javier,

Today marks the fifth anniversary of my fathers departure. I still miss him javi. I miss the way he would kiss my forehead. I miss his smile. I miss his laugh and his lame jokes. I really can not believe he left us for her. Enough of him though, i don't want to cry again. I miss you too by the way. I miss just lying down in my bed with you and just talking about weird and lame things. I miss movie nights too. I have yet to catch up on The Originals. Gosh you loved that show so much. I also miss the way your eyes would light up everytime you would see ice cream. Remeber the day we met? I was literally minding my own business when you bumped into me and dropped your ice cream. Haha i still remember your pout that day it was like if someone stole your candy or toys. Yet you apologized and smiled at me. I remember i was going to tell you off for not watching where you where going but i couldn't bring myself to it. You said sorry and of course i accepted. I was having an off day to be honest it was the day after dad left. I hated everything in my path. Although i didn't seem to hate you. I excused myself and went my way as you just stood there. I honestly thought i wouldn't see you again but boy was i wrong. You were so stubborn and determined to know me. I guess you can say i didn't expect your departure four years later. I'm still waiting ln the day you come back Javi. I just wanted you to know that i still love you. You'll always be my first love Javi. Until we meet again.

With love,

Your June

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