Chapter 9

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Dear Javier,

              Hope Café is now running. It has been another month. I still have yet to see you. Your mom keeps asking me to stop by but i always say I'm busy. Leslie is moving to Oregon with Oscar. Their relationship is growing by the day. They remind me of us. They look so in love. My mom met someone a week ago and she looks happier. I also met someone. His name is Richard. I see him as a friend i admit. He has a beautiful niece. He's always at the café. Always cracks lame jokes too. He's sophomore at college. He proposed to his now soon to be wife Stephanie. They are so cute. Your mom stopped by and said you asked to meet me tomorrow. I'll go this time. It's been too long.


                             Your June

Dear JavierDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora