Chapter 7

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Dear Javier,

          It's been a month since i last wrote in this. I guess you can say that i have been busy with school and work. Happy belated birthday bu the way. Guess what? George told me he would help me open up the café i was telling you about. He said that once i was eighteen i would be able to sign the papers to be a rightful owner of Hope Café. Graduation is in three weeks. My birthday is in four weeks. I haven't met anyone but I'm happy. Leslie is going out with the guy she met at the party. His name is Oscar. George is getting old but i love working there. My mom is home nights now. We even had a movie night just us two. How are you? I saw your mom last week. We bumped into each other at the ice cream shop we met. She said she was happy because someone she loves is back home. At first i thought it was you but i didnt want to get my hopes up. Well anyway i have to get back to my homework.

                                    June Guzman

Dear JavierDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora