Rosey x Violet~ (MLP)

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Wanting someone for so long, but never getting to have them, then noticing every single pony they go to, and wanting to be one just for one day, then wanting to leave forever. Only finding yourself wanting more, wanting a relationship. Wanting things that the mare wouldn't ever even think about.

Rosey was bi when she fell in love at first then, later became completely lez. Rosey only had one mare in her sights. Roseys heart was torn in half. Yes, Rosey had asked out the mare of her dreams, but memories haunt her.

Then Rosey was taken, galaxy disappearing, Rosey slightly relieved yet so very upset. Another mare named Violet came along after a while.

This is the start of their story...

Rosey x  Violet-

Rosey already being in two experiments, one working one failing. Rosey was already a vampony but they wanted an alicorn, she had pegasus wings though which was a start.

Rosey had been through sixteen torture sessions already when a new "package" arrived. Rosey saw violet and fell in love.. Her beautiful purple eyes... Black mane... Grey coat.... It happened red, purple and black were Roseys favorite colors. Violet fell for Rosey too. Even with the scars, the blood and her dulling eyes. Violet wanted to put life back in them.

Even though they weren't meant to, they talked. Day and night, luckily the guards didn't notice and locked them in the same cell. Eventually their feelings came out. Rosey still had no other successful experiments, she now had bat wings and fluff on her ears. Rosey would be able to hide from guards coming to take her by sitting on the roof, when she did that, she came down and spent time with Violet.

Violets experiments have not went so well either, she had bat like reflexes and liked to sit on the ceiling. That's how they were found, Violet was chosen. Rosey tried to stop them. Rosey wished she hadn't, they took her with Violet. They forced her to watch as they strapped her marefriend onto a table. Many things happened, but this was the worst. They had beaten Violet until unconscious, and raped Rosey right beside her cooing for Violet to waken.The two guards were laughing insanely, using both Violet and Rosey as "toys" until something within Rosey snapped. Her eyes flaring deep red, her fangs becoming longer, her bat wings flapping open, she snapped both guards necks and instantly got down.

Rosey picked up a cleaning rag and wiped violet down with it, cleaning her while she enchanted it with a spell. Most magic was seen to come from horns, but roseys was from words put together in a rhyme. She enchanted the rag to remove any traces of the rape inside or outside of the body. Violet Was the first to be cleaned, then Rosey. The enchanted rag was hidden within the cell when Rosey carried Violet back.

Rosey knew what she had to do, and she knew when to do it. By the time everyone had heard about her and Rosey, and the two now dead guards, Roseys plan was put into action. Violet finally came to after a few minutes with Rosey licking her wounds and crying, hurting for them both, Violet was very upset and mad about roseys plan. Rosey was sitting on the roof, and Violet was yelling at her about how she didn't like it. Rosey just sighed, Violet eventually understood that Rosey didn't want to but she had to, In order to get them out.

Rosey had befriended some non-rapist guards and they would help get the two out, they were tired of seeing these experiments take place. Rosey decided She'd ask them. Then Rosey would go to retrieve violet within her next experiment.Her plan was being put into action as a "guard" came to take her, winking at Rosey for a sign of step one done. Rosey "got loose" from her cell as she knocked the guard "unconscious" smiling to herself and handing the guard a cookie she saved from lunch.

Rosey ran down the halls finding the experiment room, she broke down the door and with it took down one guard. She frowned at the closed experiment door and slammed the doctor ponys face into the controls before snapping his neck angrily. Rosey screamed sadly and sobbed, all of her memories and thoughts. All of her emotions breaking free as she heard hoofsteps trot towards her. She looked up and gasped. Violet had became a Vambat pony as well. Rosey called Violet beautiful 27 times before shakily standing on all four of her hooves. Violet embraced Rosey lovingly, both crying happily because they could see their marefriend again. One of Rosey's guard friends ran in to tell them an alarm has been raised and led them to a tunnel, a secret exit only few knew. It would take them to an underground village then out into equestria, Out of the experimental isles. Rosey and Violet thanked the guard, and hugged an sad goodbye. Then they made their way into equestria to try and start a new life as vambat ponys.

Eventually Rosey asked Violet in her hoof for marriage. An zebra gave them a jar of brew with a label saying "if you dare to drink, don't be filly become foal" Rosey knew exactly what that meant, Violet did too. They had a gender potion. One brew not often made anymore,but they had it. They thanked the zebra and made a promise they would use it only when the time was right and they knew they had wanted foals. It sat in a drawer hidden for until the time came. Switching roles early after their marriage. Violet became the dominant and Rosey the submissive. Later on, Violet had made Rosey Pregnant. They had a lot more to use if they wished because of the jar size, So they could have more children if they wished.

Thus, The story of Rosey and Violet.

The... Beginning...

Seems that Rosey has moved on From Galaxy how wonderful!!!! Hmm... A Beautiful love story... I believe that This story will be one to last Forevermore <3 The End...~

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